Love Bites

Love Bites is respectful relationships training that provides young people a safe environment to examine, discuss and explore healthy relationships.


Love Bites Senior (Years 10-12)

A full day program that consists of two interactive workshops:

  1. Relationship Violence
  2. Sex and Relationships

Followed by a creative workshop to end the day. Love Bites programming takes a strength-based approach and views young people as active participants who are able to make choices for themselves and their relationships when supported with information and opportunity for skill development.

The Love Bites Junior Program consists of 3 programs:

#friends (Year 7) which covers themes such as communicating mindfully, warning signs of abusive behaviour, power in relationships, responding to concerns as bystanders, seeking help and rights and responsibilities in relation to sharing sexualised images

Respectful Relationships, Bullying and Gender (Year 8) which covers themes such as respect in relationships, gender roles and stereotypes, gender and relationships, jealousy, sexual harassment and homophobia, challenging harassment, discrimination and gender stereotypes and seeking help

Relationships, Love and Control (Year 9) which covers themes such as gender expectations and relationships, responding to jealous feelings, love and control, warning signs of a controlling/abusive relationship, supporting friends, seeking help and breaking up with respect


To provide young people with a safe environment to examine, discuss and explore healthy relationships.

The Love Bites program aims to equip young people with the knowledge needed to have respectful relationships, encourage and develop their skills in critical thinking and assist them in being able to problem solve and communicate effectively.


  • Recognise early warning signs of unhealthy relationships.
  • Understand factors that enable gender-based violence.
  • Develop skills to take bystander action to prevent or intercede in situations of unhealthy relationships and gender-based violence.
  • For students to recognise and challenge, by words or actions, situations reinforcing gender stereotypes.
  • Encourage students to seek trusted adults within their homes, schools and communities that can support them and others in resolving issues of gender inequity and gender-based violence.
  • Give students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills to implement and promote bystander actions and positive actions promoting healthy gender-based relationships.
  • For students to leave feeling confident about how they can make a difference in contributing to a safer school and wider communities.

Target group

Students in years:

  • 7 to 9 (juniors)
  • 10 to 12 (seniors).

Session details

One full day.

Delivery requirements

  • Program to be delivered to regular class sizes (28 students max.)
  • All classes in a year level required to be booked in for the program.
  • Data projector/TV screen and sound/audio equipment.
  • Teaching/support staff present for all sessions.
  • School wellbeing staff briefed on Love Bites program and aware of when program will be delivered


Facilitated by our Youth staff at conclusion of session, via paper based questionnaire.


In preparation for 2025, we have identified a list of priority schools for our youth community development programs and the team is in the process of contacting them. The priority schools have been identified using the City of Greater Geelong’s Social Equity Framework (viewable here) and / or where they have had little to no engagement with our team over the past three years. Our aim is to ensure we are working equitably across The City to deliver high quality health and well-being programs to young people at schools that have previously not had access to our services.

Once we have assessed demand for our programs from our priority schools and inline with our capacity, we encourage expression of interests from additional schools for our programs.
Please email [email protected] to enquire about our programs. We will endeavour to have all our programs filled by early term 1 2025.  

To stay up to date with our youth programs please join our mailing list.

Page last updated: Thursday, 12 December 2024
