Urban Forest Strategy - References

Resources used when developing this strategy are listed below.
  • City of Vancouver, 2014. Urban Forest Strategy. Vancouver, CANADA: 59pp.
  • Clark J.R., N.P. Matheny, G. Cross and V. Wake, 1997. A model of urban forest sustainability. Journal of Arboriculture. 23(1):17-30.
  • Coutts, A. M., & Harris, R. (2013). A multi-scale assessment of urban heating in Melbourne during an extreme heat event and policy approaches for adaptation (Technical Report, pp. 64). Melbourne: Victorian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation Research.
  • Greening The West, 2014. Urban Greening for a healthier west, 12pp.
  • Greening the West, 2014. Greening The West – A regional approach, Strategic Plan, 40pp.
  • Jacobs, B., Mikhailovich, N., and Moy, C. (2014) Benchmarking Australia’s Urban Tree Canopy: An i-Tree Assessment, prepared for Horticulture Australia Limited by the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney.
  • McPherson E G, Simpson J R, Peper P J, Maco S E & Xiao Q, 2005. Municipal Forest Benefits and Costs in Five US cities, Journal of Forestry, December.
  • Norton B, Coutts A, Livesley S, Williams N, (2013). Decision Principles for the selection and placement of green infrastructure to mitigate urban hotspots and heatwaves, Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Research.
  • Norton, B., Bosomworth K, Coutts A, Williams N, Livesley S, Trundle A, Harris R, McEvoy D (2013). Planning for a Cooler Future: Green Infrastructure to Reduce Urban Heat, Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Research.
  • Nowak, D.J., P.J. McHale, M. Ibarra, D. Crane, J. Stevens, and C. Luley. 1998. Modelling the effects of urban vegetation on air pollution, pp. 399–407. In: Gryning, S.E., and N. Chaumerliac (Eds.). Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application XII. Plenum Press, New York, NY.
  • Nowak, D.J., and D.E. Crane. 2000. The urban forest effects (UFORE) model: Quantifying urban forest structure and functions, pp. 714–720. In: Hansen M., and T. Burk (Eds.). In: Proceedings Integrated Tools for Natural Resources Inventories in the 21st Century. IUFRO Conference, 16–20 August 1998, Boise, ID. General Technical Report NC-212, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station, St. Paul, MN.
  • Nowak, D.J., and D.E. Crane, Stevens, J.C., Hoehn, R.E., Walton, J.T., and Bond, J., 2008. A Ground-Based Method of Assessing Urban Forest Structure and Ecosystem Services. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 34(6): November 2008. International Society of Arboriculture.
  • Pitman, S, 2014. Green Infrastructure: Life Support for human habitats. The compelling evidence for incorporating nature into urban environments.
  • Richards, N.A., (1983). Diversity and stability in a street tree population. Urban Ecology, 7: 159. 171.
  • Spencer, R., Hawker, J., & Lumley, P., (1991) Elms in Australia. Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne.
  • van Wassenaer, P. J. E., Satel, A. L., Kenney, W. A., & Ursic, M. (2011). A framework for strategic urban forest management planning and monitoring. Trees, people and the built environment, Proceedings of the Urban Trees Research Conference 13–14 April 2011.

Page last updated: Monday, 18 September 2023
