Traffic signs and line marking

We install, maintain and remove traffic signs on our local roads.

Sign responsibility

We are responsible for most traffic signs on local roads within our municipality.

VicRoads is responsible for most traffic signs on Freeways, Primary State Arterials and Secondary State Arterials (Green, Black and Red roads in the Melway street directory).

If you are unsure whether a road is managed by the City or VicRoads, please check our Roads and Responsible Authorities page.

Please direct enquiries about traffic signs to the road authority managing the road in the first instance. Should the sign be managed by the other authority your enquiry will be passed to that authority.

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Regulatory and warning signs

We are responsible for regulatory and warning signs (for example: Stop, Give Way, rectangular signs with black and/or red text, and diamond warning signs). All signs must be installed in accordance with VicRoads guidelines.

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Children and pedestrian crossings

Children Crossings (school crossings), and crossing supervisors where required, are introduced at locations where a considerable number of children cross a road. Specific VicRoads criteria needs to be satisfied to justify introducing and maintaining Children Crossings and supervisors.

Pedestrian Crossings ('Zebra Crossings' with or without flashing lights) are introduced at locations where very high pedestrian volumes are experienced on busy roads.  Specific VicRoads criteria needs to be satisfied to justify introducing new crossings.

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Parking signs

We are responsible for parking signs such as time-limited parking, Disabled bays, No Stopping and No Parking signs, Taxi Zones, Bus Zones, Loading Zones, etc.

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Line of sight

Line of sight is a term to describe clear visibility of oncoming traffic at intersections.

We are responsible for ensuring that all drivers have a clear line of sight at intersections, exits from substantial carparks and facilities, around bends in the road, at pedestrian crossings, railway crossings, etc. We may introduce restrictions on parking at these locations to ensure the safety of all road users.

VicRoads is responsible for Clearways (for example: on Latrobe Terrace, Geelong).

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Tourist signs

We approve and install tourist signs (white text on brown background) to give visitors direction to tourist attractions.  Applicants must satisfy and complete a VicRoads tourist sign application.

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Services signs

We approve and install services signs (white text on blue background) to give visitors direction to community services, organisations and facilities. Applicants must satisfy and complete a VicRoads services sign application.

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Street name signs

Street name signs are provided to enable easy recognition of the street by all road users. To reduce sign proliferation, it is not necessary to display the name of a major street at all minor intersections.  Street names with connotations such as Court, Close and Place, indicate that these roads are not through roads.

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Line marking

We have an ongoing line marking maintenance program for the CBD, Children Crossings, intersections, etc, which includes regular inspections.

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Traffic sign issues and requests

You can:

  • Request new traffic signs or
  • Report missing, stolen or damaged traffic signs

either online or with our Customer Service Team.

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Page last updated: Wednesday, 8 January 2025
