Contracts and tenders

We advertise tenders for a range of works and services within our municipality on a frequent basis.

Tenders advertised cover a wide range of works and services relating to the City of Greater Geelong operations such as:

  • Works - Civil works, Engineering, Building and Construction etc

  • Services - Consultancies, Plant Hire, Cleaning, Grounds Maintenance etc

  • Supplies - Goods and equipment such as Stationary, Protective clothing, Grounds Maintenance materials, Playground equipment etc.

Advertised tenders

We use an external eTendering site to provide suppliers with easy access to a range of tendering services associated with our tendering program. This site also provides suppliers with the ability to download relevant documents and submit information online.

The City advertises and releases tenders on the eProcure (TenderSearch) platform as its preferred provider for eTendering solutions.

View Tenders on eProcure

All tender submissions must be lodged electronically through the eProcure portal.

For all eProcure issues please contact on 1800 377 628.

Page last updated: Wednesday, 4 September 2024
