Climate Change Response Plan

Our Climate Change Response Plan 2021-2030 guides how we can act as an organisation, and a community, to respond to our changing climate.

It builds on the goals established by our Sustainability Framework, and Environment Strategy 2020-2030, and details how the City will support coordinated and collective action to achieve net zero community emissions and increase the resilience of our region to the impacts of climate change. 

The development of this plan was informed by extensive consultation with community groups, businesses, government agencies and non-government organisations.

The key targets established by this plan are for all City-managed operations to reach net zero emissions by 2025, and for our municipality to reach net zero community emissions by 2035.

Community interest in tackling climate change is growing and this holistic plan shows how collectively we can rapidly reduce our emissions and reduce the impacts of climate change.

Page last updated: Monday, 30 October 2023
