Structure plans provide directions on the future growth and development of a township.
Structure plans:
- identify the key strategic planning issues facing a township, including community aspirations and needs
- define the preferred future directions for a townships, including the location of settlement boundaries, and
- identify appropriate planning controls which will protect and enhance the distinctive elements of a township, biodiversity and landscape features.
Structure plans provide information on:
- policy context
- natural and urban environment
- demographics and social profile
- township facilities and services
- transport and physical infrastructure, and
- commercial growth, residential lot supply and further development.
They also provide key principles and directions in relation to:
- urban growth
- infrastructure
- housing
- natural environment
- rural land
- economic development and employment.
Structure plans help Council to:
- ensure adequate lot supply to cater for a growing population
- protect significant environmental and landscape features
- determine the future provision of infrastructure and services
- determine the application of local planning policies, planning zones and overlays
- guide Council’s consideration of proposed rezonings and applications for planning permits
- provide certainty for residents and landowners regarding the future planning direction for a township for the next 10-15 years.
Your participation
You can be involved with the development and review of structure plans when they affect your township.
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