Land liable to flooding
You may have received a letter regarding land liable to flood in the Lara catchment. For more information, view the
Lara catchment flood extent map.
This Summary Report is one of a series documenting the
outcomes of the Lara Flood Study. The Study provides a detailed analysis of the
catchments surrounding the township of Lara and the broader Hovells Creek/ Lara
catchment and part of the Avalon catchment management units.
The reporting was
broken up into a series of deliverables which are summarised in this report and
includes a brief overview of each of the previous reports submitted and the
recommendations developed throughout the study. Other supporting
documentation includes:
- Preliminary Report (Water Technology 2018)
- Hydrology/Hydraulic
Calibration Report (Water Technology 2019)
- Design Hydrology and
Detailed Hydraulic Modelling Report (2020a)
- Assess and Treat Risk
Report (Water Technology 2020b)
- Flood Warning and
Intelligence Report (2020c)
- Additional Structural
Mitigation Option Analysis.