Membership policy, terms and conditions

These terms apply to your Swim, Sport and Leisure membership and form part of the conditions of entry.

All terms and conditions have been created to ensure the safety and enjoyment of patrons at all times. These also ensure fair and equitable conditions for all using our centres.

Please discuss these terms and conditions with any Swim Sport and Leisure staff member if you require advice, guidance or clarification.

We ask that you make every effort to familiarise yourself with this information and refer to it when required.

  1. Introduction
  2. Multi-visit passes
  3. Webstar's Swim School
  4. Membership fees
  5. Changing membership type
  6. Suspension of membership
  7. Cancellation of membership
  8. Funded memberships
  9. Your contact and payment details
  10. Customers under 18 years of age
  11. Water safety and supervision
  12. Suspension of our services
  13. Medical conditions and treatment
  14. Exclusion of liability
  15. Privacy
  16. Changes to membership or pass

1. Introduction

1.1 These terms and conditions apply to your:
1.1.1 Swim Sport and Leisure membership.
1.1.2 Webstar’s Swim School membership and/or enrolment and/or
1.1.3 Multi-visit pass.
1.2 By signing up to a Swim Sport and Leisure membership, Webstar’s Swim School membership and/or enrolment, or Multi-visit pass, you agree to these terms and conditions, which may be updated from time to time (as set out in paragraph 16).
1.3 These terms and conditions must be read in together with:
1.3.1 our Membership and Entry Products document
1.3.2 conditions of entry at any of our Swim, Sport and Leisure Centres and
1.3.3 our Code of Conduct.
1.4 Memberships and passes are not transferable and can only be used by the registered member. A replacement fee applies to lost or damaged cards or passes.
1.5 Your card or pass must be presented to gain entry to our centres.

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2. Multi-visit passes

2.1 You are entitled to the benefits associated with your multi-visit pass.
2.2 A multi-visit pass is valid for a maximum of three years from the purchase date, or until visits are exhausted. Remaining visits are forfeited upon expiry.
2.3 You must present a concession card and current photo identification to purchase a pass at a concession rate.
2.4 Refunds are not available for multi-visit passes, unless required by law.
2.5 You may transfer remaining visits on your pass to a new membership type. The purchase value of remaining visits will be credited towards a future direct debit on your new membership.

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3. Webstar's Swim School

3.1 Class times
3.1.1 At enrolment, each student will be allocated a class day based on availability and the student’s competency.
3.1.2 We may change the class day and time when the student progresses to the next level or at other times.
3.2 Progression
3.2.1 Student’s progress is assessed on an ongoing basis, but an assessment may be requested at any time.
3.2.2 If a student aged 3 years and above has remained in the same level for 30 consecutive weeks or more, and has attended at least 27 classes, the student is eligible for additional support upon request. Squads, Parent and Toddler and Access and Inclusion students are not eligible.
3.3 Lesson cancellations
If we cancel a lesson, we will provide a credit for the lesson off an upcoming membership debit payment.
3.4 Student illness or injury
3.4.1 If the student misses a lesson due to illness or injury, you may either: request a credit for the missed lesson, which will be applied to your next regular debit. To claim a credit, within one month you must use the form or membership management system we provide to submit a medical certificate issued by a medical practitioner registered by AHPRA that states the student’s name and that the student was ill or injured on the date of the missed lesson or suspend the student’s membership as set out in paragraph 6.2.

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4. Membership fees

4.1 You must pay the fees that apply to your membership type in one of the following ways (if available for your type of membership):
4.2 Lump sum payment (existing and renewing members only – product discontinued)
4.2.1 You must pay the lump sum fee in full before you access any of our centres.
4.2.2 Your membership will not be automatically renewed and will end at the end of your membership term (unless extended in accordance with these terms and conditions).
4.3 Regular debit payment
Before you access our centres, you must pay the applicable joining fee and a pro rata membership fee for the period before the next regular debit.
Payment authorisation
4.3.1 You must authorise our payment services provider to debit membership fees and other amounts from your credit card, debit card or bank account in accordance with these terms and conditions.
4.3.2 We will provide our payment services provider with your information necessary to debit payments and contact you about your payments. Our payment services provider may contact you about your payments (including notifying you of upcoming payments if you request and notifying you of any unsuccessful payment or expiry of your card).
4.3.3 Your membership will continue even if you cancel your authorisation to our payment services provider. You must continue to pay your fees and other amounts by other means until your membership is cancelled in accordance with these terms and conditions.
Payment amounts
4.3.4 We will arrange to debit your membership fee each fortnight in advance for the next fortnight. If a debit falls on a day that is not a banking day, the debit will occur on the next banking day.
4.3.5 Debit payments will continue until your membership is cancelled.
4.3.6 In addition to membership fees, we may also arrange to debit: merchant or transaction fees we or our payment services provider incur in debiting your credit card, debit card or bank account. any amount necessary to bring your fees up to date after any unsuccessful payment or membership suspension. any dishonour fee due.
Unsuccessful payments
4.3.7 You must ensure your card or account has sufficient funds available on the date each payment is due. If any payment is unsuccessful: you acknowledge that your financial institution may charge you a fee. you must pay our dishonour fee. you must pay the outstanding amount by regular debit or other means. We may arrange further attempts to debit payment; and we may suspend your membership until outstanding amounts are paid.
4.4 Concession fees
If you purchased membership at a concession rate, you must present your concession card and current photo identification whenever we request it during your membership term. If you no longer hold your concession card, you must continue your membership by paying the difference between the concession and full fees for the rest of your membership term.

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5. Changing membership type

You may change your membership to another available membership type at any time. We will discuss the process with you, as required.

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6. Suspension of membership

6.1 Suspension by you - reasons other than illness or injury
6.1.1 Webstar’s Swim School members may suspend membership for a reason other than illness or injury for a minimum of one week to a maximum of four weeks in any 12-month period.
6.1.2 All other members may suspend membership for a reason other than illness or injury for a minimum of one week to a maximum of 26 weeks in any 12-month period.
6.1.3 To arrange a suspension, you must give at least one week notice using the form or membership management system we provide.
6.2 Suspension by you - illness or injury
6.2.1 Webstar’s Swim School members may suspend membership for illness or injury up to a maximum of 12 weeks in any 12-month period (unless we approve a longer period).
6.2.2 All other members may suspend membership due to an illness or injury for the period of that illness or injury up to the maximum of 26 weeks in any 12-month period (unless we approve a longer period).
6.2.3 To request a suspension, you must use the form or membership management system we provide to submit a medical certificate issued by a medical practitioner registered by AHPRA that states your name and the period of illness or injury.
6.3 Suspension by us
We may suspend your membership at any time in accordance with these terms and conditions.
6.4 During and after suspension
6.4.1 During the suspension period, you (including any other members under a family membership) must not use any of our centres.
6.4.2 For members paying by regular debit, debits will be suspended during the suspension period except as necessary to recover any payments outstanding before the suspension.
6.4.3 For existing members who have paid in a lump sum, membership will be extended by the period of the suspension.
6.4.4 At the end of the suspension period: membership and regular debits (if applicable) will recommence, and we will credit you for any part of the suspension period you have already paid for. for Members paying by regular debit, if necessary, we may debit an extra payment so that your Fees are paid in full for the next fortnight; and Webstar’s Swim School students will be placed in the same class as before the suspension where practicable, or in another class.

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7. Cancellation of membership

7.1 Cancellation by you
7.1.1 You may cancel your membership within seven days of joining for the first time by using the form or membership management system we provide, and we will refund all fees paid.
7.1.2 For members paying by regular debit, you may cancel your membership at any time by giving us 14 days written notice via the form we provide. You must pay any outstanding fees immediately after cancelling your membership. We will not refund fees paid before cancellation (including fees for any period in which you suspended your membership).
7.2 For members who have paid in a lump sum, you may cancel your membership at any time. Refunds are not available for lump sum memberships, unless required by law.
7.3 Cancellation by us
We may cancel your membership:
7.3.1 if payments amounting to more than two regular debits are outstanding.
7.3.2 in accordance with these terms and conditions or
7.3.3 for members paying by regular debit, by giving you 28 days’ notice for any reason.
7.3.4 immediately if in breach of terms and conditions, conditions of entry or code of conduct.

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8. Funded memberships

8.1 This paragraph applies if your membership is funded by a funding organisation.
8.2 Your membership will be treated as if the funding organisation was required to pay in a lump sum. References to you paying or not paying membership fees must be read as references to the funding organisation paying or not paying membership fees.
8.3 Your membership will begin when funder agrees with us in writing to fund it and membership has been paid.
8.4 You may not change your membership type or suspend your membership.
8.5 You may cancel your membership in accordance with paragraph 7.1.
8.6 Term of enrolment for Webstar’s Swim School
8.6.1 The student’s enrolment will begin when funding organisation agrees in writing to fund Webstar’s Swim School membership (swimming lessons) and advises us how many weeks of membership it will fund.
8.6.2 We may allow you to fund an additional membership term yourself for a short period after the period funded by the funding organisation.
8.6.3 The student’s enrolment will end at the end of the period funded by the funding organisation and any additional period funded by you (subject to any credit or early cancellation).
8.7 Class times
8.7.1 At enrolment, the student will be allocated a class depending on availability and the student’s swimming skill.
8.7.2 We may change the class day and time when the student progresses to the next level or at other times.
8.8 Missed or cancelled lessons
8.8.1 If the student misses a lesson due to illness or injury, you may request a credit for the missed lesson, which will extend the student’s enrolment by one week. To claim a credit, within one month you must use the form or membership management system we provide to submit a medical certificate issued by a medical practitioner registered by AHPRA that states the student’s name and that the student was ill or injured on the date of the missed lesson.
8.8.2 You may not suspend the student’s enrolment for any other reason.
8.8.3 If we cancel a lesson, we will provide a credit for the missed lesson, which will extend the student’s enrolment by one week.
8.9 Cancellation of enrolment
8.9.1 We may cancel the student’s enrolment early if you or the funding organisation fail to pay for the lessons as agreed or otherwise fail to comply with these terms and conditions.
8.9.2 You may cancel the student’s enrolment in accordance with paragraph 7.1.

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9. Your contact and payment details

9.1 You must promptly inform us of any change to your contact or payment details by using the form or membership management system we provide.
9.2 Enquiries about or changes to the details of an entrant under 18 years old may be made only by their nominated parent or guardian.

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10. Customers under 18 years of age

10.1 By signing up to a membership at any of our centres, you warrant that you are over 18 years old.
10.2 You may sign up to a membership on behalf of someone under 18 years old of whom you are the parent or guardian (Under 18 Member):
10.2.1 to obtain a pass for them.
10.2.2 to enrol them in Funded Swimming Lessons.
10.2.3 to obtain Webstar’s Swim School membership for them or
10.2.4 to obtain another membership type for them provided they are at least 10 years old.
10.3 If you sign up to a membership for an Under 18 Member you are bound by these terms and conditions on behalf of the Under 18 Member and yourself personally.
10.4 A supervising adult must ensure the Under 18 Member complies with age limits that apply to parts of our centres and supervise them as appropriate to their age and development.

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11. Water safety and supervision

11.1 If you are a weak swimmer or unable to swim, you must let us know each time you arrive to use our aquatic facilities.
11.2 Supervising a student during a swimming lesson
11.2.1 You must ensure that during a swimming lesson provided by us: if the student is under 3 years old, a supervising adult constantly and actively supervises the student, and remains in the water and within arm’s reach of, the student. if the student is under 10 years old, a supervising adult supervises the student, remains in the pool hall, maintains all necessary visual contact with the student and is easily contactable by the teacher. if the student is over 10 years old, a supervising adult supervises the student to the extent appropriate to their swimming ability and general development.
11.3 Supervising children at all other times
11.3.1 You must always ensure that when your child is in or around water at our centres (including before and after any swimming lesson): if the child is under 5 years old, a supervising adult must accompany the child into the water and must remain within arm’s reach of the child. The supervising adult must not supervise more than two children under 5 years old. if the child is under 10 years old, a supervising adult must accompany the child into our centre, be located near the child and have a clear view of the child with no physical or structural barriers between them and the child. The supervising adult must not supervise more than four children under 10 years old. if the child is 10 years old or older, the supervising adult must use their knowledge of the child’s swimming ability and general development to determine the level of supervision required.

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12. Suspension of our services

We may suspend our services (including closing a centre or part of a centre) at any time. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you of the closure.

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13. Medical conditions and treatment

13.1 You warrant that either:
13.1.1 you do not have any medical condition or take any medication that may affect your ability to safely use our facilities; or
13.1.2 you have a medical condition or take medication that may affect your ability to safely use our facilities, but it has been assessed by a medical practitioner registered by AHPRA who has advised that it is safe for you to use our facilities.
13.2 You must notify us if you develop a medical condition or take any medication that may affect your ability to safely use our facilities, or an existing medical condition changes.
13.3 You consent to receiving emergency medical treatment in the event of injury or illness while at one of our centres. You agree to reimburse us on demand for costs we incur in obtaining emergency medical treatment for you. You acknowledge that you may be liable for ambulance treatment and transport charges if you are not covered by appropriate insurance or a concession card.
13.4 You must not attend one of our centres if you have any open wounds or bleeding, rashes, contagious illness, diarrhoea or vomiting, or have had diarrhoea or vomiting in the last 14 days (for aquatic access) or 72 hours (for other access), head lice or other illness or injury that may affect the health and safety of others.

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14. Exclusion of liability

14.1 You acknowledge that use of our facilities and services may involve a significant degree of physical exertion and/or physical risk, which may lead to injury to you or your death.
14.2 Exclusion of Australian Consumer Law consumer guarantees
14.2.1 Warning under the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012

In this warning, references to ‘the supplier’ means us, and reference to ‘you’ mean you, your child and any Under 18 you agree to these terms and conditions on behalf of.

By signing up to any of our membership types or enrolling in any classes, you agree that your rights to sue the supplier under the Australian Consumer Law and Fair-Trading Act 2012 are excluded, restricted, or modified in the way set out in this form, if you are killed or injured because the services provided were not in accordance with the statutory guarantees outlined below.

Under the Australian Consumer Law (Victoria), several statutory guarantees apply to the supply of certain goods and services. These guarantees mean that the supplier named on this form is required to ensure that the recreational services it supplies to you:
  • are rendered with due care and skill; and
  • are reasonably fit for any purpose which you, either expressly or by implication, make known to the supplier; and
  • might reasonably be expected to achieve any result you have made known to the supplier.
Under section 22 of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair-Trading Act 2012, the exclusion of these statutory guarantees is brought to your attention by this form.

Note: The change to your rights, as set out in this form, does not apply if your death or injury is due to gross negligence on the supplier’s part. Gross negligence, in relation to an act or omission, means doing the act or omitting to do an act with reckless disregard, with or without consciousness, for the consequences of the act or omission. See regulation 5 of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair-Trading Regulations 2012 and section 22(3)(b) of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair-Trading Act 2012.
14.2.2 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree that we and our staff are not liable to you for any injury or death you suffer because of any breach of the consumer guarantees in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012 (Vic)) (together ‘Australian Consumer Law’), including the guarantees that services be rendered with due care and skill, and that they be reasonably fit for purpose. This exclusion of liability does not apply to the extent that you have suffered any significant personal injury that was caused by our reckless conduct,
14.3 Exclusion of other liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree that we and our staff are not liable for any claim or demand (including in negligence or for breach of any implied term, condition or warranty) arising from your use of our facilities or services, including but not limited to injury or death or loss or damage to property (including any personal property you bring to or leave at our facilities or in a locker at our facilities).

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15. Privacy

15.1 Collection notice
15.1.1 You consent to us collecting personal information (including a photo of you) and health information from you to administer your membership, send you marketing communications and for the purposes of our market research. If we do not collect this information, we may not be able to provide you with membership and/or use of our centres.
15.1.2 We operate CCTV cameras in our centres, which may capture recordings of you, to ensure safety and security, and facilitate staff training and quality assurance. Recordings may be reviewed by our staff or provided to a law enforcement agency on request.
15.1.3 All personal and health information is collected and handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available from on our website and at Customer Service Centres. If you would like to access your personal information, please call our Privacy Officer on 03 5272 5272 or email [email protected]..
15.2 Transfer of personal information outside Victoria
We may use marketing, sales, customer relationship management and payment software and services provided by third-party service providers from time to time. You agree that we may transfer personal information outside Victoria to our service providers. We will comply with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) in transferring your personal information outside Victoria.
15.3 Marketing messages
15.3.1 We may send you marketing messages (including by email or SMS) from time to time. We use digital data analytics to measure the performance of our campaigns, target advertisements based on your behaviour and improve our services to you. If you do not wish to receive marketing messages, you may opt out by clicking the unsubscribe link in any message.
15.3.2 You may not opt out of operational or emergency messages.

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16. Changes to membership or pass

16.1 We may change our entry products, fees or these terms and conditions at any time. If you do not agree with a change, you can cancel your membership in accordance with these terms and conditions.
16.2 If you do not cancel your membership or enrolment before the change to these terms and conditions, you agree to the change.
16.3 We may change the conditions of entry or rules at a centre at any time.
16.4 We may change centre opening hours, program timetables, equipment, and services at any time.

Page last updated: Monday, 25 November 2024
