Sport4All is a collaboration between the Australian Government, Sports Australia and Get Skilled Access.
The City of Greater Geelong was one of the first Local Government Areas to partner in the Sport4All program.
Sport4All gives people with disability the opportunity to participate in grassroots and school sports when, where and how they choose. Sport4All has been developed by Get Skilled Access, a disability organisation founded by Golden Grand Slam Champion, and 2022 Australian of the Year, Dylan Alcott. The program is funded by the Federal Government to support a nation-wide reach.
The purpose of Sport4All is to increase the confidence and capability of clubs and schools to welcome and include people with disability, in every aspect of their sporting operation. This includes but is not limited to, playing, coaching, officiating, spectating, and volunteering. Sport4All is a program for all sports and disability, we are focused on the whole sporting environment.
1 in 5 Australians have a disability, that’s 20 percent of the population.
Sport4All wants everyone to be part of the action no matter what their ability. And it’s not just about ramps and rails, Sport4All guides and supports people to learn about disability and inclusive cultures.
The Sport4All steps will teach the social and cultural elements of inclusion and support participants to gain confidence and understanding of how people with disability CAN be part of the action.
Case Study - Iona College
Sport4All, City of Greater Geelong and Paralympic Australia collaborated to facilitate an Education Program with Iona College.
Watch the video below to see what can be achieved when you work with Sport4All.
For more information about the Sport4All Program for Schools, please go to or you can begin your Inclusion journey by signing up to the program today by clicking the button below.
Schools Sign-up
For more information about the Sport4All Program for Clubs, please go to or you can begin your Inclusion journey by signing up to the program today by clicking the button below.
Clubs Sign-up
For more information, please go to or get in touch with Travis Zimmer, Geelong Inclusion Coach via email [email protected]