Our smart city will connect technology, data and innovation to create a more liveable, sustainable and thriving Greater Geelong.
Smart cities improve quality of life for citizens by embracing digital technology, utilising data and fostering innovation. They are inclusive, connected, sustainable, resilient and prosperous. They address persistent problems, deliver improved community experiences and provide more efficient services. Ultimately, they are better places to live, learn, work and visit.
We believe becoming a smarter city is critical to achieving the community’s clever and creative vision. In partnership with citizens and stakeholders, we've developed the first Smart City Strategic Framework for Greater Geelong. It presents a shared vision for the future of smart technology, open data and innovation within our region. You can view the document, alongside the four-year implementation and action plan, below.
The framework
Smart City Initiatives
A snapshot of current smart city initiatives, pilots and projects underway or completed in Greater Geelong. This list will continue to grow and develop in the coming years as we work alongside our smart city partners, networks and stakeholders.