The City has received Black Spot funding for this project. The Black Spot
program improves road safety and helps prevent serious injuries and deaths on
our roads. Black Spot projects target dangerous road locations where
crashes are occurring or are at risk of occurring.
regarding unsafe driving, including speeding and "drive-throughs" at
the school crossing have been reported and confirmed via site inspections and
vehicle speed data.
To address these issues and improve safety, we will be implementing
a raised pedestrian crossing with kerb outstands where the existing school
crossing is. These changes will slow vehicles down and make the crossing
supervisor and pedestrians crossing more visible to drivers, it will also give
pedestrians right of way at this location.
is also crash history at this location from vehicles driving on the inside lane
(parking lane) along Torquay Rd and colliding with vehicles turning right into
Spring St and Donald St, Belmont. To address this issue, small traffic islands
will be implemented in the parking lane to prevent this movement from vehicles.
part of the works, there will also be minor upgrades to drainage and lighting
at this location. There are no changes to parking as part of this project.
works are scheduled for January 2025 and are expected to take
approximately 10 days to complete. Residents in the immediate area will receive
further construction notification prior to the works.