When you own more than one adjoining or abutting property, you may be able to have them valued together, into the one assessment, and receive a single rate notice.
We can value your properties together when all properties are vacant or there is only one dwelling built on any of the blocks of land. If all of the properties have dwellings on them, they must be separately rated and valued individually. Due to the separate occupancy capability of each of the individual dwellings.
The owner(s) of the properties must also be exactly the same to enable us to value them together. This means that you can't own one while your partner own the other. To have them valued together - the same ownership must appear on the rate notice and certificate of title.
You can apply in writing by either:
Your request should tell us:
- your name
- your contact information
- the details of the rated properties you wish to combine, such as addresses and/or assessment numbers
- the registered owners of these properties
Please note: The properties must be adjoining.
We will send it through to the Valuer-General Victoria for processing.