If you choose to pay your rates by instalments, the first instalment amount must be paid in full by 30 September.
Part payment of the first will not be recognised as an instalment payment.
Any payment received after the initial due date of 30 September 2024 will be accepted as a part payment of the total amount (stated on your Rates, Valuation and Charges Notice).
You will not be an instalment payer and the balance will be due to be paid on or before 15 February 2025.
Instalment amounts must be paid in full by the following dates:
30 September
second instalment due by: 30 November
third instalment due by: 28 February
fourth instalment due by: 31 May.
Any instalment payment received after the due date will be charged penalty interest at the rate of 10 percent per annum (as set by the State Government) from the due date until the overdue instalment amount is paid in full.
The first instalment due date is 30 September 2024.
To receive your notice electronically, please register with My Geelong to avoid
potential delays in receiving notices.
If you do not pay your rates by the due date, and do not contact us to make an arrangement, the City may take action to recover any overdue amounts without further notice. Costs of recovery, including legal action, may result in additional charges to ratepayers.