Rates arrangements

An agreement for rates payments can be made if you are experiencing financial difficulty.
Rates payment arrangements are usually made if you are unable to pay the account in full by 15 February of the rating year. 

The arrangement process is part of our Rates Assistance Package and is there to assist you in paying rates on your principal place of residence, investment, holiday, commercial or industrial properties.

Each arrangement application is confirmed in writing with a formal system-generated letter. The letter will include a schedule of payments and dates.

Payment schedule and payment default

The schedule of payments must be followed. 

Failure to pay the agreed amounts by the agreed dates will result in the arrangement being cancelled, and possible debt collection proceedings being initiated.

Final date to pay

Any arrangement made must be completed in full by 31 May in that rating year.


We can only take an arrangement from the tenant of a property where they have been noted on the property as the rate-paying tenant.

The Local Government Act 1989 requires that any such notification be in writing under signature of the owner.

Assessments on instalments

If you are finding that your circumstances have changed and you cannot continue to pay by the regular rate instalment process, please speak with us about a payment arrangement.

Daytime telephone numbers

We will ask you for a daytime contact number when you apply for a rates arrangement.

Page last updated: Thursday, 10 October 2024
