Reconciliation Action Plan - Opportunities

There are three opportunities actions in our Reconciliation Action Plan.
Action Deliverable Timeline Responsibility
10. Improve employment outcomes by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention and professional development. Develop a business case for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment within our organisation. February 2021 Director People and Culture
Build understanding of current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staffing to inform future employment and professional development opportunities. February 2021 Director People and Culture
11. Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity to support improved economic and social outcomes. Develop a business case for procurement from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses. February 2021 Manager Property Procurement and Assets
Investigate Supply Nation membership and corporate partnership with Kinaway Chamber of Commerce. October 2020 Manager Property Procurement and Assets
Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses are added to preferred supplier list once awarded. June 2020 Manager Property Procurement and Assets
Actively seek quotes from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned Businesses by utilising the Supply Nation and Kinaway Chamber of Commerce to target specific needs. June 2020 Manager Property Procurement and Assets
12. Together with the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners establish a First Nations Heritage Grant program. Prepare a First Nations Heritage Grant program with relevant guidelines to fund the identification, conservation, and promotion of Aboriginal heritage places. October 2020 Director of Customer and Corporate Services and Manager Healthy Communities

We praise the City of Greater Geelong for walking along side us and listening to our voices and traditional ways.

The development of the Reconciliation Action Plan has been a journey of walking together to see the Reconciliation Action Plan endorsed as a framework of accountability to acknowledge, support and advocate for Wadawurrung People and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Peoples living on Wadawurrung Country.

~Wadawurrung woman - Corrina Eccles

Page last updated: Thursday, 23 May 2024
