
Steel flagpole
Wadawurrung Country
Corner Bellerine and Little Malop Street, Central Geelong, VIC 3220

This work is part of City of Greater Geelong's Relocatable Art Collection.

Through my art practice I look for ways to reinterpret our built environment. With the relocatable sculpture project, the flagpole become the subject for consideration. Prominently the flag draws much of the focus when we consider these forms. With this artwork the flagpole, through my sculptural process is celebrated, appearing fluid and capable of movement —something we would only expect of the flag. 

~ Robbie Rowlands

This project is being delivered as part of the $500 million #GeelongCityDeal, a collaborative plan to transform Geelong and the Great Ocean Road by the Australian and Victorian Governments, and the City of Greater Geelong through the Revitalising Central Geelong Action Plan.

Robbie Rowlands is a visual artist based in Melbourne Australia. His work explores notions of stability and vulnerability through the manipulation of objects and environments. His repetitious and precise cuts ]and the resulting distortions reflect the inescapable passing of time that affects everything around us.

Rowlands' works have been described as spotlighting the history, humanity and function of his subjects. His manipulated objects and spaces blur the boundaries between our fabricated world and the natural world.

Page last updated: Monday, 12 February 2024
