Apply for a SBO Flood Advice or Consent

Obtaining a Special Building Overlay (SBO) Flood Advice or Consent is easy, quick and free.

In the form below you can request for any of the following:

  • Flood Advice (FA) - Flood levels, depths, required floor levels etc. We provide flood advice/ information via email, often in a report. Please get a FA before your planning permit application.

  • SBO Consent - Consents to building plans often to support VicSmart planning permit application. We provide a report and stamp your plan.

Please Note: We do not provide advice over the phone.

Before you start

You may apply for indicative flood advice without submitting plans. However, for an advice on any building works or SBO/VicSmart Consent, you must submit plans. The plans must have the following details as applicable:

  • Location, layout, size and use/type of proposed buildings/works clearly shown/marked.
  • Existing ground and finished surface levels to Australian Height Datum (AHD).
  • Floor levels of any existing and proposed buildings to AHD.
  • Drawing title, site address, north direction, date, version number etc.
  • For basement: Long/cross-sections of ramps & entries with levels, any drainage plan etc.

Processing time

It generally takes us one to four weeks. To prevent delays, please ensure your information are correct, clear, complete and relevant.



Apply for a SBO Flood Advice and Consent now

By email

Download a request form and email the completed form attaching any plans to [email protected].

By post

Download a request form and post the completed form attaching any plans to:

PO Box 104


Page last updated: Friday, 28 June 2024
