Requirements for car parking are stipulated in Clause 52.06 of the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme.
Planning permits require a specific number of car parking spaces, depending on the intended use.
Provision of car spaces
Must be provided prior to:
a new use commencing or
a new building being occupier or
the floor or site area of an existing use being increased or
the number of patrons, seats or practitioners at an existing use being increased.
The car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5 must be provided on the land or as approved under Clause 52.06-3 to the satisfaction of the responsible authority.
If a schedule to the Parking Overlay or the schedule to Clause 52.06 specifies a maximum parking provisions, the maximum parking provision must not be exceeded.
If you cannot meet the car-parking requirement, you can apply for a planning permit to waiver the car-parking stating the reasons why you think this is acceptable.
Need to know more...
Please download a copy from the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme - Clause 52.06 website.