Heritage properties

Every property has a land zone. Certain areas also have a heritage overlay.

Heritage overlays have been developed to preserve, conserve and protect buildings, objects, landscapes or other artifacts of historic significance.

When purchasing a property, your solicitor or conveyancer will apply for a planning certificate. This certificate will confirm the property zoning and any overlays.

At any time you can check your property zoning online.

Heritage development works

Any development works in a heritage area must be carefully investigated to ensure you meet all requirements and retain the heritage value of your property. Development may involve:

Before you begin work

If your property is within the heritage overlay you may like to employ a heritage consultant for advice on conservation work and proposed changes.

‘Work’ includes restoring or adding to buildings, constructing new buildings, or building new front fences. It can also include demolition of buildings, fences, and the cutting of trees.

If you are undertaking the works yourself it is a good idea to book a pre-application meeting to consult with us before you lodge your planning permit application, as this can identify issues prior to lodgement and once lodged can make the application process smoother and faster.

Alternatively you can call Statutory Planning and ask to speak to a town planner on 03 5272 4456 or call into our offices at 137-149 Mercer Street in Geelong and chat to a planner at the counter.

Once the form is complete, please submit it with a copy of your proposed plans to [email protected].

Assessing your heritage development

When we assess your application we will consider the following:

  • The significance of the heritage place, and whether your proposal is likely to spoil its natural or cultural significance.
  • The requirements of any heritage study and conservation policy that applies.
  • Whether the location or appearance of your proposed building will spoil the significance of the heritage place.
  • Whether the location or appearance of your proposed building is in keeping with the character and appearance of nearby buildings and the heritage place.
  • Whether your proposed work (building, demolition, removal, alteration, erection of signs, subdivision or consolidation of land) will spoil the significance, character or appearance of the heritage place.
  • Whether your proposed subdivision or consolidation of land could lead to development that will spoil the significance, character or appearance of the heritage place.
  • Whether proposed pruning, lopping or development will damage the health, appearance or significance of a tree.

Page last updated: Thursday, 15 August 2024
