Planning permit checklist - information required

When you lodge a planning permit application we require certain information to be supplied with your completed application form and the relevant fee.
When you apply for a Planning Permit, you will need to provide us with:

  Site layout plan drawn to scale of 1:100 (or an appropriate scale) showing magnetic north and detailing:
  levels and contours to preferably AHD or alternatively an arbitrary datum, including levels of neighbouring properties / dwellings
  location of all proposed and existing buildings and works
  title boundaries
  all vehicle access, driveways, vehicle crossings, number of car parking spaces and location of loading bays
  complete elevations of the site including building heights indicating natural ground level
  internal layout of all buildings
  materials and finishes used in the construction
  Shadow diagrams prepared for the equinox (21 March - 23 September) at 9:00am, 12 noon and 3:00pm.
  Neighbourhood and Site Description and Design Response in accordance with Clause 54 and 55 of ResCode included in Greater Geelong Planning Scheme.

The neighbourhood and site description plan must include a minimum of two properties either side of the subject site, those properties at the rear and those on the opposite side of the street. Photographs of these properties should also be submitted.

The Design Response must show how the design respects the existing / preferred neighbourhood character and respond to the opportunities / constraints of the site.
  A streetscape elevation, drawn to an appropriate scale, depicting the proposed development within the streetscape showing the correct height of the dwellings for two properties either side of the proposed development site.
  Full details of all landscaping, including the type and location of all plants and the type of ground surface treatment, (that is: lawn, chipbark, pavers, footpath etc.)
  Details of height, design and location of all fences.
  Details of the size, location and type of any advertising signs proposed. This plan must show dimensions and be drawn to scale.
  Brief written description of what the proposal involves, type of business/activity conducted on-site, number of employees, hours of operation which may be applicable in this instance.
  A written statement that describes how the development is consistent with any relevant policies in the State Planning Policy Framework and the Local Planning Policy Framework, including the Municipal Strategic Statement and local planning policies.
  A full copy of Title less than 60 days old, including Plan of Subdivision, showing details of any registered restrictive covenants that affect the land.
  Application fee, which is based on the cost of the development.

Please contact our Planning Development Section on 03 5272 4456 for further assistance.

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Page last updated: Wednesday, 19 June 2024
