The Geelong Play Space is an award winning facility situated next to the Geelong Botanic Gardens. The play space is designed as an inclusive area for children of all ages and abilities. A good range of active and passive activities are provided in a beautifully landscaped area.  The playground is fully fenced and has toilet facilities nearby.

The space has a Liberty Swing that enables children in wheelchairs to participate in swinging play. The key to the Liberty Swing can be collected from the National Wool Museum - 26 Moorabool Street or The Carousel on the Waterfront.

Located in the heart of the Geelong’s Eastern Park - adjacent to the beautiful Geelong Botanic Gardens - the Geelong Play Space provides stunning views over Corio Bay.


You don't need to book the Geelong Play Space - just come along and enjoy your play!

View our dog walking map to find where you can walk your dog off leash.