Noise issues

Noise can cause difficulties when you are going about your normal activities during the day or if you are trying to sleep.

We have some authority to assist you if you are disturbed by ongoing noise from a residential property or a business or commercial property.

Certain noise from one residence to another is prohibited during specified times. The EPA Noise Schedule gives full details.

If the noise is occurring during the permitted times it may still be considered unreasonable. The following conditions must be taken into account:

  • how loud the noise is
  • how long the noise goes on for
  • how often the noise occurs and
  • the time, place and circumstances of the noise.

If the noise is unreasonable and ongoing we may be able to help you resolve the problem.

Before you contact us...

Speak to your neighbour about the noise as some people do not know they are causing a problem.

The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria have some helpful videos on discussing neighbourhood problems.

Our residential noise page may also be helpful.

Please note:

  • Residential noise from parties or 'one off' situations and which occur outside business hours should be referred to your local police.
  • Noise issues relating to commercial properties and industry are generally handled by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). For more information visit the EPA website.
  • Noise from aircraft or airports is covered by the Federal Government and you can contact the relevant department by phoning 1800 802 584 or via the web at Air Services Australia.

Noise diary and reporting your issue

You may wish to continue with a report after trying all of the suggestions above.

We need you to first complete a noise diary for a minimum of two weeks. This helps us find out exactly what is occurring and how it is impacting on your life.

After completing your noise diary you can submit your report to us with details of your issue alongside your diary.

Report noise from a residential property

Investigating your issue

After we receive your report and noise diary we will contact you to discuss or check any information.

We will then attend the property you have reported the issue about and speak with the occupier or owner.

As each situation and person is different we will deal with each issue differently.

We will keep you updated on the discussions and any outcomes that have been reached.

Not all noise issues can be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties so you might be referred to the Dispute Settlement Centre.

If you want, you can seek legal advice at any time during this process.

Page last updated: Monday, 8 January 2024
