An Urban Design Framework (UDF) was prepared for Pakington Street (Geelong West) and Gordon Avenue.
There's something inherently special about 'Pako'.
It's home to one of Geelong's biggest celebrations of cultural diversity and offers some of the best shopping and dining experiences in a backdrop of heritage buildings and community spirit that contribute to a 'village' vibe.
With such success, come challenges and vast opportunities for improvement.
Why was an UDF prepared
Pakington Street (Geelong West) and Gordon Avenue can play a leading role in delivering our Clever and Creative future.
We want to make sure this special area continues to thrive and that its full potential is unlocked.
The UDF provides a shared vision for the future of the area. It guides future growth and development including built form outcomes, streetscape design, traffic and pedestrian movements, car parking and land use, and assists in the assessment of future development proposals.
The preparation of the UDF included a number of background reports and extensive consultation. The relevant documents are accessible below.
The UDF was adopted by Council on 21 December 2021 for the Gordon Avenue and Heritage Core Precincts. The North precinct is subject to further work.