Apply for a Multiple Animal Permit

There are limits to the number of animals you can keep on your property. If you exceed these limits, you must apply for a multiple animal permit.

According to the Neighbourhood Amenity Local Law 2024, you must apply for a multiple animal permit if you have:

  • more than six types of animals on your property or
  • more than the permitted number of animals or
  • you have a multiple animal permit but you move to another property.

Please note: cats and dogs must be registered before applying for a multiple animal permit.

Apply for a multiple animal permit

Download a printable version of this form

Do not apply if your land exceeds 20,000m2, or you want to pursue animal husbandry activities. You may need a planning permit - please contact us on 03 5272 4456.

Permitted number of animals
Animal types Flats, units or townhouses Land less than 4,000m2 Land between 4,000m2 and 20,000m2
Dogs 2 small (under 10kg) or 1 large 2 4
Cats 2 2 4
Poultry – excluding roosters 0 12 24
Large or noisy birds – including roosters Not allowed Not allowed 5
Pigeons 0 12 pairs 20 pairs
Domestic birds – caged 6 30 No limit
Domestic rabbits, guinea pigs and mice 2 4 No limit
Horses and donkeys Not allowed Not allowed 2*
Cattle Not allowed Not allowed 2*
Sheep, goats and alpacas Not allowed 0 6*
Pigs Not allowed Not allowed 2*
Any other livestock Not allowed 0 8*
Maximum total number of all livestock Not allowed 0 8*
* Animal numbers on any private property or land exceeding 2 ha are subject to restrictions applicable under the Planning Scheme.
Fee categories Fees for 2023-2024
First time applicants – inspection and permit fee $160.00
Renewal – permit fee $45.00
Transfer to a new property – inspection fee $115.00

When you move house you will need to apply to transfer your permit to your new property.

Apply for a multiple animal permit property transfer

Once your multiple animal permit has been issued, you will receive a renewal notice annually.

If there are major changes to the original permit or if you move house then you will need to complete a new application form.

If you choose to replace a lost or deceased animal with another one of the same breed, you can renew your permit without a new inspection.

Pay a multiple animal permit renewal

Page last updated: Friday, 20 December 2024
