Protecting yourself from mosquitoes

There are steps you can take to protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes.

Stop mosquitoes breeding around your home

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water.

Eliminating potential breeding sites for mosquito larvae can reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home.

  • Inspect your house and yard to see if water is lying around
  • Inspect horse water troughs weekly

    Horse trough
  • Empty containers that may hold water, including old tyres, buckets, tins and rubbish bins
  • Empty bird baths and pet water dishes on a weekly basis
  • Put sand around the bases of pot plants to absorb excess water

    Pot plant
  • Keep swimming pools salted and chlorinated and empty them when not in use
  • Ensure that fish ponds are stocked with fish

    Fish pond
  • Overturn boats and dinghies or remove the drain plug so they do not hold water
  • Cover all openings and inlets to rainwater tanks, wells, or other large water containers with screens or wire gauze no coarser than 1mm mesh

    Inground water tank
    Example of an inground water tank

    Inlet pipe to water tank - mosquitoes could breed here
    Example of inlet pipe to water tank where mosquitoes could breed.
  • Keep roof gutters in good repair and remove leaves and debris so pools of water do not form
  • Keep lawns and gardens well maintained so that you are not providing shelter for adult mosquitoes
  • Mend leaking taps.

Stop mosquitoes from entering your home

  • Install flywire screens on all windows and self-closing wire screens on doors. Check them regularly and mend any holes.
  • When camping, ensure your tent is screened to stop mosquitoes from entering.   

Avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes

  • Wear long, loose fitting, light coloured clothing. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colours
  • Avoid outdoor activities at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active
  • Some mosquitoes in coastal areas also bite during the day
  • Use an effective repellent on exposed skin
  • Repellents containing the active ingredient ‘DEET’ or Picaridin are most effective against mosquitoes
  • Take care when applying repellents, and always read the product label before use

Visit the Better Health Channel for updated mosquito protection resources and fact sheets.

Page last updated: Monday, 2 September 2024
