Public question and submission time at Council meetings

Members of the public are invited to ask questions or make submissions to Council at Council meetings.


Questions can be asked and answered, and submissions made to the Council in accordance with the Council's Public Question and Submission Time Policy.

Questions and submissions in writing

Questions and submissions should be provided in writing to the Council by noon on the day before the Council meeting.

Submit a question online  

At the meeting

The Council allocates 45 minutes at the start of each Council meeting to hear questions and submissions from members of the public. No more than two (2) questions may be asked or submissions made by any person at any one (1) Meeting. Questions or submissions made over and above these requirements, at the discretion of the Chairperson. A maximum time limit of 3 minutes applies to each question asked or submission made by a person.

If you have already provided your question or submission in writing to the Council by the deadline, you will be called upon by the Chairperson to ask your question or make your submission to the Council.

If you have not provided your question or made your submission in writing to the Council by the deadline, the Chairperson in his or her discretion may still allow you to ask a question or make a submission to the Council, in accordance with the Policy. Please provide your name to the Council before asking your question or making your submission.

Answers to questions

The Council will endeavour to answer all questions at the Council meeting.

If your question cannot be answered at the meeting, a written response will be provided to you within seven days of the Council meeting.

What is recorded in the meeting minutes

If you have asked a question or made a submission to the Council at a Council meeting, your name, your question or submission, and any answer to your question will be recorded in the meeting minutes.

If you need assistance

If you need any assistance with the public question and submission time process, the Policy or the procedure at Council meetings, please contact the Manager Governance of the Council.

Questions, feedback or complaints

If you have any questions, feedback or wish to make a complaint about the public question and submission time process, please contact our customer service team.

Page last updated: Monday, 18 November 2024
