From the local florist to your neighbourhood butcher, businesses in our
community need your support.
Our Backyard has been developed to inspire our community to back Geelong and
think local first when seeking goods and services.
With thousands of local businesses in
our region, including 21,000+ small businesses, we want to encourage residents to support local first, to
choose Geelong over non-local businesses when doing things like buying a present, getting
the car fixed or booking a weekend break.
Looking for ways to support local businesses? Some free options include:
- share and like a post
- repost from a business page
- tag a friend
- say something nice
- post a pic
- write a review
- sign up to an EDM
- give a shout out (your opinion counts)
- most importantly, refrain from anything negative!
It's Our Backyard Geelong! Let’s all think, shop and support local first.
Get involved Campaign images