Indigenous plants of the Greater Geelong region

The indigenous plants of the Greater Geelong region information sheets will help you to select locally suitable plants for your property in the Greater Geelong region and help to improve biodiversity in our region.

Information sheets

If you are considering revegetating or planting on your property in the Greater Geelong region this series of information sheets (listed in order on the left) may be useful to help you select suitable species.

Plant Map

The regional map shows the zone of your property, which relates to the information sheet(s) you need for your particular zone.

The information sheets for each zone include a list of the main indigenous species that would naturally have occurred within that zone. It also gives contacts for further information and local nurseries that stock indigenous plants.

Why should I plant indigenous plants?

‘Indigenous’ means naturally belonging to a particular area. They may be found locally or may have historically occurred in an area.

By choosing indigenous plants, you can be sure that they are well suited to the soils, topography and climate of the local area. They will need little watering or fertiliser once they are established, although in most cases watering and feeding will increase growth.

The advantages of indigenous plants

Indigenous plants:

  • Maintain the area’s natural beauty and biodiversity
  • Encourage local wildlife by providing food and habitat
  • Are well adapted to the local soil and climatic conditions, so require little water or fertiliser once established
  • Are more able to resist attack by pests and diseases
  • Will often regenerate naturally
  • Do not become pest plants or environmental weeds

Where can indigenous plants be obtained?

A number of local nurseries in the Greater Geelong region specialise in the supply of local indigenous plants. These are listed on the information sheet for each zone. Alternatively you can propagate and plant out indigenous plants from seeds collected locally, or direct seeding can be used to reduce vegetation costs.

It is important to note that under the Flora and Fauna guarantee Act it is illegal to remove indigenous plants or collect seeds from public land without a permit.

Need to know more...

Additional information regarding suitable species can be obtained from our Environment Unit, the Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning or the agencies and nurseries listed on the information sheets.


The City of Greater Geelong acknowledges the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, in particular David Perry and also John King, Geelong Indigenous Nursery.

Illustrations: George Stolfo and Brian Bainbridge, courtesy of Hyland House.

Environmental weeds

Not sure what plants are okay and what are considered weeds?

Page last updated: Monday, 2 December 2024
