The City is currently developing an Integrated Transport Strategy that will supersede the Integrated Comprehensive Transport Plan, though the Plan remains current throughout the strategy's development. For more information and updates on the strategy's development, please visit the Have Your Say page.
The Plan will guide investment decisions for the transport system within the City of Greater Geelong, and meet the region’s need to plan for growth and change.
The Integrated Comprehensive Transport Plan (the Plan) provides a cohesive transport and land use planning framework for the City of Greater Geelong that aligns with the vision for the region.
This Plan supersedes the 2003 Geelong Integrated Transport Strategy that saw a large number of its actions implemented.
The Plan outlined in this report defines a set of short (<1 year), medium (1–5 years) and long term (5–10 years) strategic actions for planning, developing and managing an integrated transport system that covers the entire City of Greater Geelong region.
The City of Greater Geelong is experiencing strong population growth and change in its key economic sectors, as more balanced and diversified economic growth is sought from the health, education, tourism, advanced manufacturing, and knowledge sectors.
The Integrated Comprehensive Transport Plan (ICTP) will guide investment decisions for the transport system within the City of Greater Geelong, and meet the region’s need to plan for growth and change.
Population forecasts and other indicators suggest that recent trends in population, demographics and the economy will continue over the life of this Plan.
These trends present a number of transport and land use challenges for the City of Greater Geelong whose planners and decision makers look to respond to the challenges while maintaining and enhancing the city’s status as a diverse and successful regional centre. The city is actively encouraging and planning for population growth and economic diversity. Planning for an integrated transport system is an important aspect of the coordinated response.
Forecast economic and population growth presents significant opportunities for the City of Greater Geelong. It is driving the development of a pathway to the city’s secure long term future as an attractive place where more people want to live, work, do business, study and spend their leisure time.
The study area for the Plan includes the entire City of Greater Geelong, as shown in the shaded region of Figure 1-1. The diverse area comprises urban, peri-urban and coastal settlements with Avalon Airport and Geelong Port the key gateways. The Plan also includes recommendations outside this study area that address specific issues currently impacting on the City of Greater Geelong.
Figure 1-1 Integrated Comprehensive Transport Plan study area
Approach to developing the Plan
The Plan’s development followed a six stage process, as outlined in Figure 1-2. The approach involved a high level of engagement with key stakeholders and members of the community, through two consultation phases:
Stage 2 – Stakeholder engagement: Workshops with invited stakeholder groups, including government stakeholders, industry and community groups, who identified key issues and opportunities facing the City of Greater Geelong.
Stage 5 – Public exhibition: 28-day public display of the draft Plan to key stakeholders and the community, providing an opportunity for people to submit feedback for incorporation into the final Plan.
Figure 1-2 Approach to developing the Plan
Working through the six stages helped answer the following questions:
What do we want to achieve?
What key challenges must we address to get there?
What are the specific issues that require a response?
What strategic responses shall we use to address these issues?
What specific actions are required to address each issue?
How do we deliver the outcomes?