Commonwealth Home Support Program

Our Community Care Department is a Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) service provider.

Community Care services will continue to operate. This includes CHSP, Home Care Package and Meals on Wheels.  Find out what we're doing to keep you and our staff safe.

The CHSP provides a range of support services to people over 65 (50 years or older and identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person) who are experiencing difficulties in managing daily tasks, but who wish to continue living at home.

Please visit the My Aged Care website or call the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422 to help you find out about aged care services, and what services may be available to help you.

Our services

We can work with you to develop a plan that will support your goals, and help you to maintain an independent and active lifestyle. Your plan is tailored to you depending upon what you need. We will listen to you to find out what you can do for yourself and what you would like to keep doing.

Sometimes you may only need our support for a short time while you get back on your feet. Or the type of support that you may need can change over time as your circumstances change.

You may have a family member, friend or advocate with you, when our staff visit to talk about how we may be able to help you.

Home care

The purpose of home care is to maintain a safe, secure, healthy home environment to enable frail older people, people with dementia and younger people with disabilities (who are eligible through the Home and Community Care Program for Younger People) to live independently at home and in their own community.

We provide house cleaning services appropriate to your level of physical functioning and cultural preferences and your needs are reviewed on a regular basis.

Personal care

Personal Care services are those tasks which a person would normally do for themselves but because of illness, disability or frailty they are unable to perform without the assistance of another person. A referral from Community Nursing is required before we can assist with personal care.

Personal Care services may include assistance or supervision with:

  • bathing, showering or sponging
  • dressing and undressing
  • grooming
  • toileting.


We acknowledge the diverse needs of the community and we are committed to ensuring that where possible our services meet your specific requirements.

We endeavour to ensure services are equally available to all clients regardless of race, sexual identity, sexual orientation, religion, culture, language or geographic location.

Priority of access

CHSP services are only provided to people subject to assessment for eligibility and level of priority.

Overall, the CHSP program targets its services to people who have the greatest need and/or capacity to benefit from them. Services are provided where they would not otherwise be available through self-provision, carer and family support or another government program.

Priority is assessed in the context of a person’s usual living environment and available supports, in comparison to other eligible people.

You have the right to appeal and in the first instance you may contact us by phoning 03 5272 5272.

Factors such as the person’s relative needs and the capacity of the Council's CHSP program to respond with existing resources may mean that services cannot be provided even if the person is eligible.

Our staff

Our work is guided by Council's values of integrity, responsibility, innovation and respect.

We have friendly, qualified and experienced staff who are dedicated to help you maintain your quality of life and independence.

All our staff and volunteers also have a current National Police Check for your safety and peace of mind.

Allocation of staff

We will allocate a team of Community Care Workers to complete the agreed services.

Where possible we try to limit the number of staff attending your home. We do, however, recommend that when a relief worker is offered due to staff taking leave this be accepted.

For further information please complete the feedback section below.


The fees for service are very reasonable and are worked out based on your income and are in line with the CHSP Client Contribution Framework.

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. Visit the Department of Health website for more information.

Page last updated: Monday, 25 September 2023
