Book a hard waste or mattress collection

Residential properties have two hard waste and two mattress collections each financial year.


To use this service you:

  • are booking for a residential property with a full waste charge* - no commercial properties or vacant land
  • will be residing in the property for the full duration of the collection week (Monday to Friday)
  • have not had two collections in the current financial year
  • can place your hard waste in the permitted location on the Sunday before the week of your collection
  • can ensure clear access to your waste collection on the front of your property, away from cars and house (back yard collection is not allowed).

*Listed as "Waste Management Charge". Check your rates notice or with your property manager.

Please note:
If you are a new owner or tenant and two bookings have already been made for the desired service in the current financial year by a previous owner or tenant, then you will need to wait until the next financial year to access the service.

What items can be collected?

Hard waste collections

  • Whitegoods and large metal appliances
    Freezers (emptied, doors taped closed or removed), refrigerators (emptied, doors taped closed on or removed), stoves, barbeques (no gas bottles), washing machines, dryers, air-conditioners and dishwashers, hot water units, oil column heaters.
  • Furniture
    Intact or broken household furniture, couches, appliances, toys.
  • Timber
    Small amounts of timber not longer than 1.5 metres (bundled and tied with nails removed, up to 10 pieces of timber). Timber longer than 1.5 metres will not be collected.
  • Paint tins
    Empty and dry paint tins with lids removed.
  • Ceramic
    Pottery, ceramics and chinaware.
  • Glass
    Excluding: glass bottles, jars and other containers which the City has identified as being suitable for collection through the kerbside recycling collection service.
    Including: intact mirrors, windscreens, panels and sheets safely covered, wrapped, tied and labelled. Glass longer than 1.5 metres will not be collected.
  • Electronics – any item with a battery, plug or power cord
    TV screens and monitors, computers, laptops and tablets, scanners, copiers and printers, keyboard and mouse, hard drives, webcams, modems, USB drives, mobile phones, DVD and CD players, fax machines, alarm clocks, radios and cameras, wiring, power tools. Please remove all batteries.
  • Sporting goods
    Old sporting goods and playground equipment (must be dismantled).
  • Fabric and textiles
    Clothing, carpets, rugs and mats (maximum 4 rolls allowed, up to 1.5 metres wide each, rolled up).
  • Lawnmowers (defueled)
  • Metal
    Small metal car parts weighing less than 20 kilograms scrap metal (less than 1.5 metres in length) and other waste metal products metal tanks and drums with a diameter of 40 centimetres or less roofing iron and guttering (less than 1.5 metres in length) and any other items of hard waste composed mainly of recyclable metal. Metal over 1.5 metres in length will not be collected.
  • Drums
    Plastic and metal (open ended with holes drilled)
  • Batteries
  • Building, home renovation or demolition material
    Building materials, including bricks, concrete, rubble, pavers, tiles, baths, soil, rocks, excavation material and waste arising from renovation or demolition, roofing iron greater than 1.5 meters in length.
  • Car parts
    Car bodies (either whole or dismantled), Car batteries, Engine blocks, Tyres or tyres on rims.
  • Chemicals
  • Gas bottles or other hazardous material
  • General waste or recycling (including commercial, business or industrial waste)
    Clay, soil, sand, stones, rubble, cardboard, styrofoam, beanbags.
  • Green waste which can be collected as part of the fortnightly garden waste collection service.
  • Hazardous or offensive waste, including asbestos and ashes.
  • Liquids, including paints, oil, automotive fluids, garden sprays and fertilizers.
  • Metal longer than 1.5 metres
  • Paint tins with lids on or containing paint
  • Solar panels
  • Timber
    Fencing timber exceeding 1.5 metres long or in panels, wooden pallets.

View our recycling guide for information about disposing of these items.

Mattresses collections

Up to two mattresses / mattress-style bed bases can be collected for each mattress collection service.

Please note, electronic adjustable beds are not able to be collected due to their weight.

Booking a collection

If you would like to make a booking for a hard waste collection and a mattress collection you will be required to make two separate bookings. These separate bookings occur during the same week if there are slots available.

Make a booking

Putting out your items for collection

Please put your hard waste or mattress out by the Sunday night prior to your chosen week as collections can occur anytime between Monday and Friday. If your hard waste or mattress is not put out this will count as one of your corresponding services for the financial year.

Size limits for hard waste items

The allowable amount of hard waste to be collected is three cubic metres. That means the pile cannot be greater than three metres long, one metre high and one metre wide.

If more than three cubic metres of hard waste is presented for collection, we shall collect the hard waste in the following priority up to the permitted volume:

  • couch; furniture; timber
  • white goods (for example: fridge, oven, washing machine and dish washers); small car parts; lawn mower and tools; hot water systems; metal waste
  • television; electrical appliances; e-waste.

Size limits for hard waste items


Your collection items must be placed no more than five metres from the entry point of your property boundary (not on the nature strip) and your collection items must be clearly identifiable. If you have any queries about placement please call our hard waste service provider on 03 5272 5444.

If you have booked for a hard waste collection and a mattress collection for the same week, please make sure that they are placed separately from one another.

Cancellations and enquiries

Cancellations for either service must be made no later than the Wednesday before the booked week.

If this isn’t done then the booking will count as one of your two hard waste collection services or two mattress collection services for the financial year.

To cancel your booking call our hard waste service provider on 03 5272 5444 (Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm).

Page last updated: Tuesday, 7 January 2025
