Positive Ageing Grants

There is a total grant pool of $24,000 available.

Grant amount

Grants of up to $1,000 to support a variety of community hosted activities and experiences such as workshops, dances, concerts and sporting activities that celebrate our ageing community.

The City will continue to promote the state-wide Victorian Seniors Festival and support local community activities through the Positive Ageing Grants.

Who should apply?

Eligible not for profit community groups, registered charitable organisations and schools and learning institutions (only for activities that are not curriculum based and the primary benefit is for people aged 55+), can apply for a grant to run activities that:

  • Increase physical activity
  • Promote mental health and wellbeing
  • Increase social connections
  • Recognise and celebrate achievements
  • Support positive ageing
  • Provide opportunity for intergenerational activity

Activities should be designed to promote opportunities in the community for people aged 55+ to develop networks, explore new interests, access useful information and promote health and well-being opportunities.

Grant guidelines

Please read the grant guidelines before applying.

For more information about Positive Ageing grants, please contact the Community Grants Team at [email protected] or phone 5272 5560.

Applications open/close

This grant is now closed.


Notification of outcomes

  • 1 July 2024

Page last updated: Wednesday, 8 May 2024
