We are committed to effectively managing graffiti to maintain the visual appeal of our community, enhance safety, and ensure that residents can have a sense of pride in our public spaces.
Our responsibility
We are responsible for removing graffiti on all Council-owned properties and assets.
This includes buildings, public toilets, public rotundas, public barbeques, playgrounds and equipment, street furniture, footpaths, bike paths, Council signage and reserve fencing.
For Council-owned property:
Our response times
We remove graffiti from public property in a timely manner.
We aim to remove offensive graffiti on our property within 24 hours and of non-offensive material within five working days.
Other authority's assets
Graffiti on assets owned by another authority (Example V-line or Vicroaid) should be reported to the relevant authority to request removal.
Private property
Property owners are responsible for the removal of graffiti from private property.
We can help in most instances, through methods such as:
Need to know more...
Call our Graffiti Hotline 03 5272 4319 during business hours or email [email protected].