Governance, policies and transparency

Governance is the process by which the council ensures its decision making is transparent and accountable and that its operation is democratic and well managed.

The City of Greater Geelong has numerous controls in place to provide for good governance and ensure that members of the public can access, understand and participate in council activities.


View all our policies.

To enable the CEO and Council officers to operate effectively it is important to ensure that Council has properly delegated powers, duties and functions.  Delegations allow the CEO and officers to make decisions or act on behalf of the council.

Members of the public have the legal right of access to documents in the possession of the Council and its Officers

To ensure that public organisations such as councils are responsible, accountable and protect the public by exposing serious public sector unlawful activity.

Councillors, Delegated Committee members, the Chief Executive Officer and nominated senior staff must declare any interests in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020.

Details of overseas or interstate travel undertaken in an official capacity by any Councillor or member of Council staff for the previous 12 months.

We have in place information privacy policies which sets out the requirements for the management and handling of personal information.