The purpose of this State Government Act is to encourage and facilitate the making of disclosures of improper conduct by public officers and public bodies including Councillors and Council Officers.
It has also been designed to ensure that public organisations such as councils are responsible, accountable and protect the public by exposing serious public sector unlawful activity.
The Act provides protection to persons (sometimes referred to as whistleblowers) who make disclosures in accordance with the Act and establishes a system for these matters to be investigated and remedial action to be taken if necessary.
We will not tolerate improper conduct by our employees, officers or Councillors, nor the taking of reprisals against those who come forward to disclose such conduct.
We support the making of disclosures that reveal:
Guidelines have been developed and procedures adopted to manage compliance with the Act.
What is the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012?
In summary where a person believes that there are reasonable grounds
to believe that a councillor or council employee is either engaging in
improper conduct or taking detrimental action, that person may report
that conduct (termed “Public Interest Disclosure”) and in doing so can be
assured of confidentiality and protection from any detrimental action or
reprisal as a result of making the protected disclosure.
The person making the complaint is to be referred to as the complainant.
What is the purpose of the act?
The main purposes of the Act are to:
- encourage and facilitate disclosures of improper conduct or
detrimental action by public officers and public bodies
- protect persons making those disclosures
- provide for confidentiality for the content of the disclosures and the
identity of the complainant and
- provide for the matters disclosed to be properly investigated and dealt with.
What is improper or corrupt conduct?
For Council to consider allegations, there must be reasonable evidentiary
grounds for the belief that improper or corrupt conduct has occurred in an
official capacity, which involves substantial:
- mismanagement of public resources or
- risk to public health or safety or the environment or
- corruption
Who can complain?
Any person who has reasonable grounds for believing that improper or
corrupt conduct has occurred.
Disclosures can be in writing or made orally and may be made direct to
one of the contacts listed in this brochure.
The complainant may provide information anonymously or can elect to
advise the IBAC directly or if it concerns a Councillor the IBAC or the
Ombudsman directly.
What will it cost?
There is no cost involved in making a disclosure.
What is council procedure?
The Council will:
- promptly provide an acknowledgement of the public interest disclosure
- make any initial enquires deemed necessary, and
- make a determination whether the complaint is covered by the
provisions of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012.
If the information is determined to be a public interest disclosure or if the
Complainant requests protection or the Public Interest Disclosures Coordinator
considers they should have protection the Complainant is entitled to the
protection provided by the Act.
The matter will
be referred to the IBAC for consideration of the evidence and will confirm
whether the allegation represents a public interest disclosure.
The IBAC will
also determine who will undertake the investigation of the allegation(s) made.
If the information is determined not to be a public interest disclosure the
Complainant will be advised
Disclosure in relation to a Councillor
The only method of making a disclosure in relation to a Councillor is to
the Ombudsman or IBAC.
Is there protection for whistleblowers?
- Complainants will receive protection if the Public Interest Disclosures Co-ordinator determines that your complaint falls within the definition
of a public interest disclosure.
- If your complaint does not fall within the definition of public interest disclosure but you have requested protection.
- If the Public Interest Disclosures Co-ordinator considers your complaint
warrants protection.
Is there protection from reprisal?
A person must not take detrimental action against a person in reprisal
for making a public interest disclosure. Penalties may apply.
Is it an offence to make a false disclosure?
Yes - a person must not knowingly provide false information under the Act.
Penalties including imprisonment may be
applied for making a false disclosure.
Who to contact
Post |
Phone |
Attention: Public Interest Disclosures Co-ordinator
City of Greater Geelong
PO Box 104
Geelong VIC 3220
Australia |
Public Interest Disclosures Co-ordinator
1800 240 744
Refer to the feedback form below
If your complaint relates to the
CEO or a Councillor please contact
Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC)
GPO Box 24234
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 1300 735 135
Alternative contact person:
The Ombudsman Victoria
Level 1, North Tower, 459 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: 1800 806 314