We lead and participate in a
range of campaigns and projects to raise awareness about family violence.
For many years the Barwon Month of Action has seen a range
of activities across the region, including Reclaim the Night marches, events,
arts projects and workshops.
16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence
This global campaign begins on 25 November (UN International
Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) through to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). This is the most significant campaign across
Victoria for the prevention of family violence and violence against women.
Each year, we join action for the 16 Days to raise awareness of gender-based violence and promote equality and respect, in line with Respect Victoria's messaging: A violence-free Victoria - it all starts with respect.
If you or someone you know is experiencing violence, help is available.
Download the Respect Victoria Finding Support fact sheet.
Geelong Candlelight Vigil
The Geelong Candlelight Vigil is a call to action to speak up, lift the veil of silence that surrounds domestic and family violence, and reach out for support.
The Geelong Candlelight Vigil is led by Meli and The Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre in partnership with Barwon Area Integrated Family Violence Committee. The vigil is held on the
first Wednesday in May to remember those who have been killed by family
Planning is underway for the 2025 Geelong Candlelight Vigil which will take place on Wednesday 7th May 2025.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Held on 15 June each year, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is an
opportunity to recognise people who have experienced elder abuse, raise
awareness and address ageism in our society.
For more information visit our elder abuse page.
Respect Victoria Campaigns
Respect Victoria was established by the Victorian Government
for the prevention of family violence and all forms of violence against women.
It leads a range of campaigns, including campaigns to address disrespect towards women, reduce sexism in sport, and promote LGBTIQA+ equality.
There are many useful resources including videos, fact sheets and actions that everyone can take.
Family Violence Pocket Resource
We update and distribute a pocket sized guide to family safety and support information and services,
including family violence information.
The guide is available in English, Arabic, Dari, Hindi, Karen, Simplified Chinese, Swahili and Tamil.
Need to know more...
For more information, see our pages on Family Violence Prevention and Gender Equity.