Support services for women, children and young people

This page shares a comprehensive list of support services available, both locally and state-wide. Most services are available to support people from a range of diverse communities and cultural identities.


Support is available to every member of our community, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you are fearful or feel unsafe, or know someone who maybe experiencing family violence call 000 if in immediate danger or call Safe Steps on 1800 015 188 for advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  
Translating and Interpreting Service
If you need an interpreter, call 131 450 or visit the Translating and Interpreting Service website for more information.

The National Relay Service is available as a phone solution for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment. It's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Australia-wide.
All calls are confidential.

Geelong based support services

  • The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre
    03 5222 4318
    9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays)
    plus 24hour crisis response.

    Support for all people impacted by sexual assault and support for women, children and young people impacted by family violence. People of any age, gender, sexuality, culture and ability are welcome.
  • The Orange Door
    1800 312 820
    9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays)
    People of any age, gender, sexuality, culture and ability are welcome.
  •  Meli 
    03 5278 8122
    9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
    Programs, counselling and support to people experiencing family violence and those wishing to change behaviour.
  • Barwon Community Legal Service
    1300 430 599
    9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
    Provides free legal help to people experiencing or who have experienced family violence. Assistance with Family Violence Intervention Orders, and advice on related legal issues i.e. parenting arrangements, child support, issues with housing, Centrelink, fines or debts, separation or divorce.

Phone and web-based services

Support for young people

  •  Meli
    03 5226 8900
    1800 825 955 (after hours homelessness support)
    9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
    BCYF has a number of supports for young people aged 12 to 25, who are needing help in areas including mental health, homelessness and family reconciliation.
  • Kids Helpline
    1800 551 800
    24 hours, 7 days
    No matter the reason, contact anytime.
  • Headspace  
    03 5222 6690
    9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
    eHeadspace 9:00am to 1:00am, 7 days
    Free online and phone support and counselling to young people, 12 to 25 years and their families and friends. If you’re based in Australia and going through a tough time, they can help.

Emotional, mental health, and wellbeing support

  • Beyond Blue
    1300 224 636
    24 hours, 7 days
    Support, information and advice.
  •  Meli
    03 5278 8122
    9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday
    Programs, counselling and support to people experiencing family violence and those wishing to change behaviour.
  • Barwon Health Mental Health Services
    1300 094 187
    24 hours, 7 days
    The ACCESS Team assist people who may have a complex or serious mental illness and are in crisis.
  • ParentLine
    13 22 89
    8:00am to midnight, 7 days (includes public holidays)
    Telephone counselling and support service for all Victorian parents and carers of children from 0-18 years.
  • LifeLine Australia
    13 11 14
    24 hours, 7 days
    Crisis support. Suicide prevention.
  • Gambler's Help
    1800 858 858
    24 hours, 7days
    For counselling and support services related to gambling.
  • DirectLine 
    1800 888 236
    24 hours, 7 days
    Information, counselling and referral for alcohol and drug issues.

Page last updated: Monday, 3 June 2024
