Transfer a footpath trading permit

If you want to transfer a footpath trading permit you will need to make application to us.

Any business that is changing ownership and has a Goods for Sale, Al Fresco or Outdoor Dining or an A-frame permit you will have to apply for a transfer of this permit.

The Footpath Trading and Activity Policy was adopted to ensure that all activities could be undertaken with the safety and needs of all people in mind.

You will need to...

Fill out the application form and attach:

  • a Certificate of Currency for your public liability insurance with cover of at least $10 million
  • payment of the applicable fee.

If you need more information and advice it may be helpful to speak to our officers who will be approving your application on 03 5272 4500.

When we receive your transfer application we will assess that you meet the criteria, have the correct insurance and have made payment.

When your application is approved we will issue you with a permit to be displayed in the window of your business, so that it is clearly visible to Council Officers for inspection purposes.

All footpath trading permits expire 31 December each year, regardless of when you transfer the permit.

Page last updated: Tuesday, 5 November 2024
