Businesses need an A-frame permit to advertise on the footpath with an A-frame or sandwich board.
To ensure the safety of everyone who travels on the footpath in front of your property there are rules that state where and when you can place the A-frame on the footpath.
You will have to apply for an A-frame permit.
Before you make application you should check that you meet the following criteria:
- No sign may be displayed in a Residential Zoned area
- Footpath width to be greater than 2900 millimetres (2.9 metres)
- One sign per business
- Sign to be placed directly out the front of the business
- Sign to be placed kerbside
- Sign maximum sizes dependant on street speed zone
- 0-60 kilometres per hour - 1200 millimetres height by 600 millimetres width
- 61-80 kilometres per hour - 1400 millimetres height by 700 millimetres width
- 81 kilometres per hour and over - 1600 millimetres height by 800 millimetres width
- Sign cannot be under 1 metre in height
- No moving parts allowed on the sign
- No lighting to be used on or with the sign
- Sign to be displayed during business operating hours only
- Sign not to be placed on a road, roundabout or median strip
- Have public liability insurance to the value of, or greater than, $10 million.
An application for footpath trading form should be completed.
There is an application fee. There is also an annual fee for the permit.
Permits are issued for the calendar year and expire 31 December each year, regardless of when you apply.
Need to know more...
If you are a Real Estate business and want to advertise auctions or open houses events you will need a Portable A-frame Permit.
Advertising Signage Guidelines attached to your building are controlled by the Planning Scheme Guidelines.
A-frame permits are not given for Community Advertising for an event. You will need a Community Promotion Sign permit.