Mobile and Temporary Businesses and Hand washing

Hand washing facilities should be available to all food preparation and serving situations.

Hand washing is the most effective way to prevent food poisoning.

Cutting corners when it comes to hand washing is an unacceptable risk to your customers and your business. 

If your business attends markets or events, caters functions off-site or has a mobile food vehicle, your set-up should always encourages food safety and good staff hygiene.

When Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) attend events and markets they have found food handlers preparing or serving foods without the hand washing station set-up. Similarly, not having enough water to properly wash hands is another failing we see and shows the low importance placed on hand washing by some businesses.

Poor hand washing or an inadequate hand washing station is a food safety risk and a serious breach of the Food Standards Code.

All food businesses, including temporary or mobile, must have warm, running water for hand washing, plus liquid soap and paper towel. Staff need to wash their hands frequently, including before putting on fresh gloves. 

Page last updated: Tuesday, 21 May 2024
