Food premises have structural requirements relating to design, construction, fit out and equipment.
This document has been developed by the Environmental Health Unit for the startup and fit out of commercial food businesses within the City of Greater Geelong.
Your food premises design and construction need to be according
to the food activities that your business will provide. There are structural
requirements relating to design, construction, fit out and equipment.
The document:
- provides a brief guide of the structural requirements for new premises and
- used when you, your builder or designer are constructing or making changes to a building where food will be prepared, sold, or manufactured,
- is intended for proprietors of commercial businesses, but may also be helpful for builders, architects, and project managers involved in the construction, or renovation of a commercial food business.
We recommend you research requirement with our other departments as you may need additional permits:
Our Business Concierge service can help you in determining what permits and registrations are required from Council to start, setup or expand your business.