When our Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) visit your food business, part of their
role is to review your food processes to establish if your business is
producing safe and suitable food.
We work with Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to use a risk-based food safety
assessment method to ensure consistency between our staff and across the other
78 Victorian Councils.
So, during our assessments, we will focus on high-risk foods being
produced at your business and how the Critical Control Points (CCPs) are
A CCP is a step at which a control can be applied and is essential to
prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level.
The most common food-related CCP is cooking.
During assessments our EHOs will observe
and also ask a lot of questions, about things like:
We will also observe and discuss other CCPs related to your food preparation.
It’s important you and your staff are
consistent in how you manage the CCPs and processes in your business to ensure
food is kept safe at all times, even
when main personnel are away.
If you have any questions or feedback
regarding our assessments you should contact us.