Any business that sells food or drinks for human consumption will be required to be registered under the Food Act and to continue to meet the standards required.
Our Environmental Health Officers (EHO) will approve food businesses and conduct regular assessments to ensure that Food Safety is maintained.
Safe Food Australia is a guide to the three mandatory national food safety standards and is published by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). It is primarily aimed at councils responsible for enforcing the standards, however food businesses may also find it offers helpful information about the standards and food safety issues.
The three standards are:
- Standard 3.1.1 Interpretation and Application
- Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements and
- Standard 3.2.3 Food Premises and Equipment.
FSANZ reviewed Safe Food Australia in 2016 to ensure it addresses current food safety issues and trends, contains up-to-date evidence and references and provides information targeted for temporary and mobile vendors and for home-based businesses.
Under the Food Act 1984, all the FSANZ Standards, including the three in Safe Food Australia are enforceable by us, so we encourage your businesses complies and are aware of your requirements and responsibilities.