If you are thinking of operating a food business at home you will need to register under the Food Act, in the same way as a café, restaurant or any other fixed premises.
Business Victoria is the first step in this process to ensure you give your business idea every chance of success.
On this website, there are templates for market research for your product, for business plans, videos and related information on starting a business from home.
When you are ready; registration under the Food Act and compliance with the relevant guidelines is arranged through our Environmental Health Unit.
You may need to deal with other parts of council including our:
- Our free Business Concierge Service that can help you in determining what permits and registrations are required from Council
- Town Planning department to ensure that you are able to operate your business from the site you wish. There are also home based business guidelines which must be met and
- Building department should be contacted to determine if you need a building permit. Any building fit outs or alterations may require a building permit.
What you should be aware of
You will need to be familiar with the following information:
Minimum requirements for a home business
The requirements of a home business will generally depend on the size of the food operation and the type of food that is being handled.
There are many variables but generally speaking you will need the following in your home for a registration at home to be considered:
- dishwasher
- double bowl sink
- separate storage for your equipment and food - apart from the normal family/household food and equipment
- ability to adequately exclude all pets from the food preparation area
- enough room for the amount of food to be prepared and stored safely
- an additional
sink dedicated to handwashing if you’re catering or making high-risk foods.
If you are renting at the address where you want to set up
you should check with your landlord as it may impact your rental agreement.
We may charge a commercial rate on land used for predominantly commercial activities. (For example: where goods are made or services provided).
Where the commercial activities are located with a predominantly residential land use, we may apply a Mixed Use Rate which is lower than the commercial rate but higher than the residential rate.
The current rates are available in our Rating Strategy.
Sale of your product
As part of your business plan you need to consider where you will sell your product. You may wish to use the Business Victoria templates to research and develop your business plan.
What you need to do
Application process
When all planning and building requirements are met you can apply to register a premises under the Food Act.
Our Environmental Health Officer may request further information and/or an inspection
of the premises prior to approval being given.
Do your research
Kitchen meets requirements
Business plan in place
Meet with Environmental Health Office (EHO)
EHO arranges a time to inspect your kitchen and go over food safety information
EHO will verbally advise of any conditions that will be required for the registration to go ahead
Approval and fee paid
Approval letter with conditions and invoice received via email
Conditions actioned as required (further inspection or photos if required)
Fee paid and approval certificate sent via email
You are now registered and ready to trade!
All registrations are valid to 31 December each year.
Allow 4 - 6 weeks for this process
What we will do
When the application form is received an Environmental Health Officer (EHO) will assess it.
Our EHO may request further information and/or an inspection of the premises prior to approval being given.
When approval is given all registrations are valid to 31 December each year.
During August each year, we present ‘Starting a New
Food Business from Home’ at the Geelong Small Business Festival.