Engagement and Registration of Family Day Care Contract Educators Policy

Assessment of FDC educators, FDC educator assistants and persons residing at FDC residences Document no: r169(2)(b); r170; r163; r84; r119; r127; r136; r143A; r144; r153; r164; r168; r171; r172
Approval date: 6 December 2018
Approved by: Clare Thompson
Review date:   8 December 2024
Responsible Officer: ECEC Team Leader Version no:   02

1. Purpose

We aim to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of all children attending our service. As part of our efforts, we assess our FDC educators, FDC educator assistants and those residing at a FDC residence as fit and proper persons prior to approval, and on a regular basis throughout their approval period.

2. Scope

FDC only

This Policy applies to the Family Day Care approved provider and Family Day Care Contract Educators, Educator Assistants, and anyone over the age of 18 residing in an FDC residence.

3. References

  • Education and Care Services National Law Act, 2010 and Education and Care Services National Law Amendment Act 2017
  • Education and Care Services National Regulations, 2012 and Education and Care Services National Amendment Regulations 2017
  • National Quality Standard for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Age Care (2017)

4. Council Policy

Family Day Care Contract Educators will meet the family day care service engagement and registration requirements in order to provide education and care for children and families.

Minimum criteria for acceptance of application

  1. Minimum 18 years of age
  2. Possess an approved Certificate III level education and care qualification or higher approved by ACECQA
  3. Hold a current approved first aid qualification and CPR
  4. Completed approved anaphylaxis management training and undertake approved emergency asthma management training
  5. Complete an online food safe and child protection course
  6. Meets the ‘fit and proper’ requirements, current Employee Working With Children Card, Criminal Record Check and Medical Check
  7. Ability to address and meet the key selection criteria as outlined in the Contract Educator Specifications
  8. Live within the City of Greater Geelong boundaries.
  9. Will ensure anyone in the residence over the age of 18 has a current criminal record check and a current Working with Children Check and the Coordination Unit is notified that someone over 18 years of age is living in at the residence.

5. Procedure

  1. Prior to commencement of care all Educators required information as listed above must be collected by the Coordination Unit staff. Criminal record checks and working with children checks must be verified online through relevant agencies.
  2. Prior to commencement of care all Educators assistants required information as listed above must be collected by the Coordination Unit staff. Criminal record checks and working with children checks must be verified online through relevant agencies.
  3. Once a resident or Educators child turns 18, the Coordination unit must be notified, criminal record checks and working with children checks must be collected and verified.
  4. All information is loaded into Harmony and due dates recorded in reminders.
  5. All required documentation must be updated before due date expiry or care may be cancelled.


6. Quality Records

  • Family Day Care Contract Educator Handbook
  • FDC Contract Educator Specifications
  • Fit and proper assessment of Family Day Care Contact Educators, Educators Assistants and adults residing at the Family Day Care Residence Policy

Page last updated: Thursday, 7 March 2024
