Water safety policy

Water safety policy Document no: r 168 a (iii)
Approval date: February 2018
Approved by: Family Services Manager
Review date:   August 2025
Responsible Officer: Early Childhood Coordinator Version no:   01
Authorising Officer: Manager Family Services

1. Purpose

The City of Greater Geelong Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Services, acknowledge the importance of safe practices around water. Water hazards such as pools, spas, rivers, lakes, dams, beaches and water based activities are a high risk to children’s safety.  Active supervision of children around water is paramount.

2. Scope

All services:

Water play is a valuable learning experience to children. It is important to be aware that children can drown in a few centimetres of water.

This policy is required to ensure all educators and families are informed of the policy required in relation to experiences involving water and excursions where there is a water hazard.

3. References

  • Education and Care National Regulations 2011
  • Amendments 2017
  • Education and Care National Law Act 2010
  • Amendments 2017
  • Education and Care National Quality Standard
  • Swimming Pools Act 1992

4. ECEC Policy

In all services, educators will:

  • Ensure a risk assessment is completed for all excursions and events and that all water hazards are identified and considered when planning excursions, checked over by the Centre Management team.
  • Remain vigilant in the supervision of children in and around water and be alert to the potential risks in everyday practice in the learning environment, including bush/beach kindergarten, excursions to parks, sanctuaries, beaches, rivers, pools or ponds.
  • Never leave children alone near any water (part of Guidelines - Supervision in Early Childhood Programs).
  • Be aware of all small bodies of water that may be present and may pose a drowning risk including, nappy/cleaning buckets, pet food bowls containers in the playground that may be filled after rain or areas of poor drainage (part of Daily Playground Checklist completed).
  • Only fill wading pools, plastic and blow-up pools, water troughs to a maximum depth of 30cms, otherwise pool fencing is required.
  • When setting up water play experiences in the playground; ensure they are placed in “high visibility areas” – where effective supervision can be maintained at all times.  Consider not available if only one educator in outside area. (Refer to Guidelines - Supervision in early Childhood Programs).
  • All vessels need to be emptied immediately after use; and stored in an upturned manner preventing rain from being captured.
  • Ensure clear communication between all team members about who is responsible for emptying and packing away water play each day – who will complete a check of all water play activities have been packed away.
  • Not allow children with illnesses such as diarrhoea, stomach upsets, open sores, or nasal congestion to enter a pool, or wading pool due to cross contamination.
  • Use opportunities to discuss water safety with children as part of their ongoing education and care program.
  • Ensure children are dressed appropriately using waterproof smocks etc or have a change of clothing available prior to accessing water play.

In Family Day Care, educators will:

  • Ensure an annual certificate of currency is obtained for any pool or spa on their property, and forwarded to the Coordination Unit.
  • Fit any pond or water feature with a child proof cover.
  • Keep nappy buckets up out of the reach of children and check back gardens after rain to ensure no trapped water is accessible.
  • Keep bathroom doors closed and supervise children when they are using the bathroom.
  • Avoid taking their own children to swimming centres for lessons whilst FDC children are in care.
  • Follow all regulations according to the Swimming Pools Act 1992. Complete a daily check to ensure gates are locked and any safety issues are addressed immediately prior to children attending.
  • Maintain all child-to-educator ratios for all water orientated activities that involve paddling/swimming/playing in the water, at the beach, at the pool, river, pond, spa. Parent permission must be given in the way of a non regular excursion form for this to occur.

In Family Day Care, the service will:

  • Inspect the pool/spa or water hazard of each FDC residence monthly and provide an inspection report to the educator.

Water based educator to child ratios:

FDC Ratio
1 adult for every child under 3 years of age
1 adult for every 2 children over 3 years of age

Other ECEC Service Ratios:
These ratios should be determined according to the risk assessment and the following should be taken into consideration:

  • The age group of the children attending.
  • The type of water activity involved (beach walk or swim etc.)
  • The competency and characteristics of the children on the excursion.
  • The weather, travel, parking, access to bathroom facilities etc.

5. Quality records and supporting documents

  • ACECQA Policy Guidelines – Water Safety.
  • Guidelines - Supervision in Early Childhood Programs
  • Guidelines for Supervision on Excursions
  • Regular Outings / Excursion Template and Excursion Risk Assessment Forms
  • Non-Regular Outing / Excursion Template and Excursion Risk Assessment Form

Page last updated: Tuesday, 27 August 2024
