Early Childhood Education and Care Determining the Responsible Person Policy

Determining the responsible person policy Document no: r 168 2 (i) r 150
Approval date: February 2018
Approved by: Family Services Manager
Review date:   August 2025
Responsible Officer: Early Childhood Coordinator Version no:   01
Authorising Officer: Manager Family Services

1. Purpose

The City of Greater Geelong Education and Care (ECEC) Services acknowledge the importance of clear policies and procedures around the requirements of its staff and contract educators. These policies and procedures ensure the compliance of all services under the Education and Care National Regulations 2011, the Education and Care National Law Act 2010 and the Child Safe Standards 2016.

2. Scope

All services:

To ensure all Management, staff and contract educators are aware of our commitments, in relation to Determining the Responsible Person present.  To ensure all staff have a current Working with Children Check or VIT registration (alternative).

3. References

  • Education and Care National Regulations 2011
  • Amendments 2017
  • Education and Care National Law Act 2010
  • Amendments 2017
  • Education and Care National Quality Standard
Approved Provider Manager / Coordinator Council Approved Notification made to ACECQA
Nominated Supervisor Centre Manager / Director
Kindergarten Teacher
Team Leader/LEAO for each Service
Nominated by the Approved Provider Notification made to ACECQA and nomination accepted in writing and listed on that persons staff record
Responsible Person
Day to day management
Other suitably qualified and experienced staff for each Service
*see Council Family Services Guidelines on Responsible Persons
Nominated by Approved provider Name must be clearly visible in the entrance / foyer of each Service as applicable
(when you are the person in day to day charge) and listed on that person’s staff record

4. ECEC Policy

Nominated Supervisor

Each service must have a Nominated Supervisor.

This person is nominated by the Approved Provider for the role and has consented in writing to undertaking the role.

The Nominated Supervisor has specific obligations under the National Law.

The Approved Provider must notify the Department of Education and Training (DET) of any changes to the appointed Nominated Supervisor and may do so by submitting a completed ACECQA Form NS02 - Notification of Change of a Nominated Supervisor accompanied by ACECQA Form NS01 – Nominated Supervisor Consent Form.

The name of the Nominated Supervisor must be detailed in the Prescribed Information displayed in a prominent place at each education and care service premises. The Prescribed Information needs to be clearly visible to anyone from the main entrance/ foyer.  It must also be recognised in the Nominated Supervisors staff profile.

Responsible persons

Under the  National Law, a  Responsible  Person must be present at all times whilst education and care is being provided in a centre-based service.  This person is usually the Nominated Supervisor, but where the Nominated Supervisor is absent from the service, another person is asked to be in day to day charge.

A Responsible person may be a designated member of staff, nominated by the Approved Provider, who gives their written consent to be placed in day-to-day charge; when the nominated supervisor, or approved provider is absent.  This person will then be the Responsible Person and signage must be displayed at the Service in a prominent place where it is clearly visible to anyone from the main entrance/foyer to the  Regulation 150.

Family Day Care

In a Family Day Care Service, the Responsible Person must be available to provide support to the Family Day Care educators.

A Responsible Person may be:

  • the Approved Provider if the provider is an individual - in any other case, a person with management or control of the service
  • the Nominated Supervisor
  • or person identified as a Responsible Person by the Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor

A Responsible Person may be anyone who gives their written consent to be placed in day-to-day charge, if the Nominated Supervisor or Approved Provider is absent.

The Responsible Person’s name will be displayed at the entrance of the Coordination Unit Office on each day the service is in operation.

Educational Leader

The Approved Provider of an education and care service must designate, in writing, a suitably qualified and experienced educator, coordinator or other individual as the educational leader at the service to lead the development and implementation of educational programs in the service. See individual service handbooks for more information regarding the role of the Educational Leader in a specific service.

A designated Educational Leader must also have it listed on their staff record.

All staff records must indicate who the Nominated Supervisor and the Educational Leader is at their Service – on each individual staff record.

5. Quality Records

  • City of Greater Geelong ECEC TEAM APP 
  • Council Policy - Code of Conduct MPL555.0.20
  • ECA Code of Ethics for Early Childhood Professionals.
  • Council FDC Code of Conduct Policy
  • Working with Children Check website.
  • Council Policy on Volunteering & Volunteers.

6. Attachments

  • ECEC Guidelines for Responsible Person
  • ECEC Responsible Person’s Consent Form
  • Staff Record Template

Page last updated: Monday, 9 September 2024
