Traffic Management - Traffic Management Plan

Your Traffic Management Plan will need to show how traffic will be managed.

If you have applied to close a road and identified that your event restricts access to parking, affects public transport, people gathering on the road or infrastructure is being set up on a road, then your site plan will need to provide details to the road activity and provide a description to manage these changes.

The relevant agencies will use this information to provide advice what is needed to manage the impacts of the road closure and to ensure compliance.

This information forms part of the events communications plan to the access and egress arrangements in place during the road closure period.

Minimise impacts

When selecting a site or course and creating an event schedule, you need to consider who will be impacted by your event and minimise inconvenience to the community.

Where there are impacts due to changed traffic conditions, you have an obligation to communicate to the appropriate people, and make special arrangements where necessary.

You should be prepared to make changes to the site/course and/or schedule, based on advice from the agencies.

For example, your event could:

  • impact a business delivery schedule
  • impact a public transport service (route or stop)
  • impact on a business’ staff or contractor parking/loading area. You may have to arrange alternative staff parking and make alternative access arrangements
  • impact a service delivery schedule e.g. rubbish collection, postal delivery etc
  • the road closure might also close roads that lead into function centres, sports grounds or local parks and you may need to maintain access during the event. You could develop a pass system and need to brief the marshals to allow entry to users. Or develop a plan so that access is maintained for users but not for event patrons
  • impact a resident from accessing their home. You may be able to close or open the road earlier than first thought, or there may be a period during the event when you can provide access to their home
  • if you are planning on using barriers along the events course, then a Barrier Plan will need to be developed and approved to be implemented, this will form part of the events traffic management treatments. The plan should include:
    • when and where the barriers are being dropped off
    • where the barriers are being positioned
    • where the pedestrian crossover points will be, how they will be signed and marshalled
    • when the barriers will be packed up

The list below explains what information will need to be included on your Traffic Management Plan to create a visual plan to what treatments need to be considered.

Traffic Management Plan highlights

  • the time that the road or sections of the road would be closed and it what stages
  • show where any rolling road closures will be implemented
  • show the roads that will be closed and the treatments in place on the connecting roads or streets
  • show if it will be a full or partial road closure. What lanes will be open? In what direction will the traffic flow?
  • consideration to slip lanes for vehicle access to residents and businesses and how these will be managed
  • will there be speed reductions? Show where and what the speed limit may be reduced to
  • show on the plan any schools, traffic lights, bridges, hospitals, fire stations, service stations, cemeteries and shopping centres.

Traffic Management Plan overlays

  • show the start and finish area
  • show the course and direction of the route
  • if impacted what are the changed arrangements for public transport?
  • if bus stops, taxi ranks etc are impacted, show where the current and proposed temporary stops, ranks and detours will be - describe changes to public transport to complete the on-line PTV Event Notification
  • does the course cross any train lines? If so, what is the train timetable? Also consider the frequency of freight trains
  • will there be traffic movement? If so what will the movements be east/west and north/south. Be street or road specific
  • will vehicles be permitted onto the site or course? If so what vehicles (escorted public, race officials)? When will this be permitted and how will it be managed?
  • what are the access arrangements for residents and businesses?
  • explain what the impact to car parks or changes to parking restrictions might be
  • show and describe the role of traffic controllers
  • show the position and describe the role of marshals
  • show the position and describe the role of Victoria Police
  • show where the pedestrian barriers will be placed and pedestrian crossover points.

Page last updated: Monday, 27 May 2024
