Events near or on the water

If you are planning to stage your event near or on a waterway, beach or swimming pool, then there are several risk factors that you need to consider.

Some rivers in the Geelong region are prone to flooding after heavy rain falls. You should have a contingency plan for an alternate venue if the site is near a river.

Your risk management plan should also note this as a risk and one of the monitoring procedures should be to go to the Bureau of Meteorology website and look under the warnings tab for Rainfall and Rivers.

If the event is taking place near a dam, river or beach, the site should be assessed against the National Health and Medical Research Council’s Australian Guidelines for Recreational Use of Water.

Environment Protection Agency (EPA)

If a water based event is proposed for any beach or bay location, in particular the Geelong Waterfront, the bacterial water quality must be monitored to ensure compliance with the EPA standards.

Water permits

Any on water activity (including fireworks and exclusion zones) on Corio Bay require a Parks Victoria or Victorian Regional Channels Authority event permit. Applications may incur fees and advertising requirements.

Parks Victoria require applications to be submitted at least 10 weeks prior to your event date. Victorian Regional Channels Authority require applications to be submitted at least 7 days prior to your event date.

For further information visit:

Parks Victoria's Events and Films permits or email ([email protected]) your event documentation.

Victorian Regional Channels Authority Aquatic events or email [email protected]

Page last updated: Monday, 2 December 2024
