Outdoor Lighting Plan

If you are organising an outdoor event that includes activity at night or during dusk or dawn, then you will need lighting.  

Identify where lights are needed on your event site:

  • The public will need lights for safe access of the site.  If permanent lighting is not sufficient then portable lighting towers may be required.
  • Temporary portable toilets will need lights. Single units often do not come equipped with lights, however an electrician can install temporary lights.
  • Some public toilets have lights and some do not.
  • Food vendors in vans will usually have existing lights to operate and to serve customers.
  • Merchants in temporary marquees will require lights to operate and to serve customers.
  • Ticket booths, first aid and information booths need lights.
  • Stages and back of house performance areas need lights.
  • Temporary structures need lights, as do the aisles and exits. Auxiliary battery power or generators should be installed to provide lighting in a blackout situation. This will be a requirement of any Division 2 Occupancy (POPE) and Siting Approval Permits.
  • Many concerts are performed with only stage lighting. Access to the main lights or house lights is essential in case of an emergency. The location of the controls for these lights (and the operation of the controls) must be known to emergency personnel and safety officers - as well as to those responsible for their operation.

Once it has been ascertained where lighting is required, it may be necessary for your event electrician to provide temporary lights, lead and power sources. 

The position of lights should be indicated on your Site Plan.

Page last updated: Monday, 2 December 2024
